Castle Hassall-"I Had A Dream"-(How Can They Say Anything version)-Pink Floyd/Roger Waters song vibe

Castle Hassall - "I Had A Dream" - (How Can They Say Anything version) by Rolland Hassall-LoveHeartFeels

this is a slightly different version of my song "I Had A Dream" where in the chorus i sing "How can THEY say anything" as i am feeling the old version sounded like i was accusing the listener of being critical when i sang "how can YOU say" etc.

I'd be really interested to hear what version you prefer and why etc? in the comments if you'd like to say hi it'd be Great to hear from you


Best wishes to you
from Rolland
at Castle Hassall

this video was recorded and edited and put onto YouTube by me on Saturday 9th July 2022

I'm hoping someone will see this on 9th July 3022!:) HI TO YOU IF YOU ARE!!! I HOPE LIFE IS GOOD AND WE BEAT THE BAD GUYS AND EVERYTHING IS GREAT NOW!!!

PLEASE press "subscribe" and "like" under the video, that will help me Loads to know you like my song thanks!

it would help me hugely if you send anyone you think might like my songs a link to it by pressing "share" and "copy link " then "paste" that into a message to people, so more people can hear my songs.. it is really very difficult to get known by people without your help.. thanks so much for telling people about me if you do.. it might give you a good excuse to message that person you really like too and get to know them better by talking about my songs with them!?:) it's worth a try! if you end up happily married because of one of my songs I'll play to you on your wedding if you would like (by live stream for now as i don't have any money for airfares!?:)

I'm going to live stream me writing more music and chatting on my "Castle Hassall TV" channel once i get 50 subscribers there

and you can see my quest to find ways to improve my life and to try to find ways to get through tough times faster at my channel "Potential Techniques". it'd be Great to see you there too if you would like.. I'm trying to find ways to improve my life situation and talking about what I'm going to try and what i find works to make life better there at my "rebuilding me"from broke and broken to ? (hopefully to good things happening) at my channel "Potential Techniques" on YouTube.. come along to get a laugh at my bad hair days if you need cheered up, and to see what i find works in my quest to improve my life over the next few years i hope!

i hope you have a REALLY happy good future if you are reading this

See you soon!

Best wishes to you always
from Rolland
at Castle Hassall
in Scotland
Saturday the 9th of July 2022

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