CCW Permit? Why bother?

Published 2024-03-12
Why bother getting a CCW permit? There's a few reasons.........

All Comments (21)
  • @thermite9118
    Bottom line is we should NOT have to ask for permission ( permit ) to carry.
  • @jamesoncross7494
    If you don't need "Permission" from the government, DON'T! I live in Commiechusetts. I can't go to the bathroom without a permit and "permission". It is terrible and not what our founding fathers wanted for us.
  • "Speak softly and carry a big stick", when the advertisement came on my ear drums got a surprise. More guns in public, less crimes committed, this has been a proven fact.
  • @sparky_-mf2cs
  • @neiljohnson6815
    My state, Louisiana, just passed Constitutional (no permit) Carry. We are state number 28 to do so.
  • @jimmylabb5868
    Criminals do not care about permit why should I. 🤔There are many states that are permitless, it time to get rid of this stupid law!
  • Sheriff, I'm not a resident of Missouri but I definitely appreciated hearing your perspective on the issues that you talk about. Thanks.
  • @MDR-hn2yz
    As a New York gun owner I find it very refreshing to see a sheriff or police chief giving this information.
  • @jamesbarrick3403
    You state a few reasons that are very nuanced IMO. Most people would not have issue with any of this of they lived 1000 years. On the other hand, if you do have a CCW permit, that is an entry in a government database, and we all know how that is a huge liability. I pay no attention to signs telling me I don't have a right that I know I have. Concealment is the key.
  • @n8turejourney
    I’m in AL. I do appreciate your openness & the “you might want to if..” discussion. Growing up in a hunting family, I learned gun safety & shooting from the time I was 4. (My dad started taking me squirrel hunting with my older brothers.) When I purchased my first handgun, after a divorce I was advised by an old high school friend who was a LEO for a state agency not to get a permit (this was before AL became permit-less carry). His reasoning was no one in our nosy little county needed to know I had a gun, since I had 2 little girls & we were alone in a rural area. Fast forward 16 years, I’m married, my 2 “little girls” are 17 & 18, junior & senior in high school & my son is 8. Now, I’m getting ready to purchase my 18 year old daughter her first handgun for COLLEGE because I can’t trust college “police” to keep her safe from leftist ideological lunatics on campus nor can I trust the that a DA in her college town to keep criminals off the streets. This will be the scariest thing I’ve ever had to go through with her!!! I wasn’t scared when she went through a major back surgery when she was 12. I wasn’t scared when she started driving, because I had her on the interstate the very first day, I had her driving in storms, & her dad had her hauling a boat & equipment. What 15 year old gets that kind of training?!! My girls do! I wanted them self sufficient! Not the “I don’t need a man” mindset, but the when SHTF & she’s alone I don’t have to worry that she doesn’t have the ability to make it home. (Granted, as her mom I always worry!) But today, I feel the law is making harder for me to trust that she CAN make it safely! I’ve never been so nervous in my life!!! I’ve always been a stickler for the rules & I used to teach college, but I’m to the point that I don’t even care what her college’s rules are! I want her protected all of the time!!!!
  • @flyoverkid55
    I live in Ohio. We became permitless a year or so ago. I continue to keep my permit as it allows me to carry in over 30 other States that recognize my permit. Small price to pay for the expense.
  • @johnevans1969
    Here in North Idaho we have never been constrained by dumbass legislation to infringe upon our rights. I have asked several of our Sheriff's about folks being armed and to a man they all have explained that they consider it a necessity in our part of the country. Every two and four legged critter on the continent are up here, dang near and you can't just dial 911 up here and if you can, it might or better yet, it'll probably be hours before anyone will be able to get to you in order to help, so it is only common sense to take care of yourself and those around you. Sadly there isn't 😞 alot of common sense these days. Thank God for all of our Law enforcement professionals who use their common sense and better judgment when dealing with idiots and for doing all that y'all do for the public good, y'all are appreciated, loved and kept in our prayers 🙏 ❤
  • @haggisvideo
    Thank you, Sheriff Oller for your insights. You are a credit to the badge. I bet you run an outstanding operation that truly protects and serves! ❤
  • @abw121
    As a retired LEO in Illinois, I hope you take a drive to Illinois and help spread the common sense! Here we have a Government and leaders that believe law enforcement will protect you in an emergency? They also believe that the GUN is the problem? Not the persons using the GUN? I have watched all of your videos and you sir are a Boss who understands the reason for the 2nd Amendment. Stay safe and keep your powder dry! Keep up the content.
  • @Australia-ky7kx
    Interesting making a comparison between Missouri concealed carry laws and my State, Queensland Australia. Only licenced Security and Police can carry a firearm not in plain sight. Security can carry concealed but must be in plain clothes. Of course, criminals carry concealed. Given a rise in violent crime, Australian laws need major revision.
  • @CWR66
    I don't believe there are any states that have true pemitless carry. Most have so many exceptions to when and where you can carry that it's difficult for ordinary citizens to know if they are breaking the rules or not.