STOP Telling People “God Loves You” (Here’s Why!!)

Published 2024-03-01
STOP Telling People “God Loves You” (Here’s Why!!)

All Comments (21)
  • @blueskies386
    Years ago, i was evangelizing and starting an outrreach in a town in Australia (i went as a missionary) anyhow, i said to Peter, who was full on homosexual, into the occult, drugs and alcohol, "God loves you!" He looked at me like i was nuts and said, "No he doesnt! Im doing everything he hates!" I paused and suddenly thought of the verse, "the Lord hates all workers of iniquity." (Ps.5:5) I said, "You are right! So you better turn from your sins and get right with him, or you will go to hell."
  • @anasocarras9269
    Beautifully said: “ You cannot understand the Love of God, unless the cross is preached. And you cannot understand the cross unless the law is preached.” ❤
  • @purebride8600
    I tell people, ‘I love you enough to tell you the truth’. The foolish shall not stand in your sight: you hate all workers of iniquity. Psalm 5:5
  • @SachelleCambria
    I heard a preacher talking about the same thing last night. A lot of people are accepting Christ without knowing who He truly is, which explains why a lot of people are not truly saved
  • You can’t understand the good news until you’ve heard & know the bad news, the bad news needs to be he’s first.
  • @robinross3183
    That was a beautiful simple declaration of the truth! Well done!
  • Think of fatherhood. Sometimes a father has to be hard on his children in order to raise them up to honorable adulthood. God's love for us takes many forms. Sometimes HE has to punish us in order to guide our development as believers. HE does indeed love us, but HE is a righteous FATHER.
  • Thank you. As parents, we don't let toddlers play in traffic or let teens hang out late at night with losers, no matter how much they protest. Love isn't accepting, and allowing people who are in our care to do self-destructive things ve want them to always be happy. Permissiveness when a child is in danger shows disregard, not love. God has standards and guidelines. For whom the Lord loves He disciplines, And He punishes every son whom He accepts. Hebrews 12:6 Proverbs 3:11-12
  • @WeWillShowMercy
    Amen! Saying "God loves you!" lacks the knowledge of God for them to have wisdom and understanding— the truth of those words and their meaning in and amongst their lives
  • @dianemoore8289
    So true! People need the Bad news to accept the Good news! ✝️
  • @kamekomiyamora
    I was truly reborn last year. Grew up SDA which is very legalistic and doesn't really get to the grace part. They say Jesus died for our sins, but we were still expected to keep the law to be saved. Once it finally clicked that I couldn't save myself and I truly relied on Jesus, everything changed. Understanding God's sacrifice and having the Holy Spirit allows me to be more obedient than I ever would have been able to before. I also started sharing the gospel more as most of my friends are unbelievers. I was talking to one excoworker friend, one of few who'd actually listen to me. She claimed she went to a christian school and they prayed a prayer to get the Holy Spirit, and how she prays to God now and then in her car...but she had no doctrinal stance. I explained the need for bible reading because 'how would you know what god you're praying to otherwise?' but she was intimidated to read, so I started a bible study with her. One thing I taught that surprised her was God's wrath and need for justice, and she saw that herself when she got to the flood story. There's other traits of God like his jealousy that I know most people don't get and don't want in their own gods (ie. I had a discussion with a Hindu Uber driver who seemed happy that they can pray to whatever god whenever, and seemed a lil worried that our God is possessive...but I asked, 'wouldn't you want your spouse to be faithful? Same for our God'), but those things are what makes our God so amazing and special. We want a God who loves us, who would fight for us and protect us, who actually pays attention to us and cares about what we do....otherwise we'd just have a passive god who couldn't care less about us. One who would judge us by our actions only and have no mercy or grace. Of course, I also understand that not everyone would like God's character, as we saw with Satan and other fallen angels, and I think that's given me a bit more peace when some continue to reject God and the gospel. I always had the argument that heaven is God's home, thus it has his rules. If you don't like God or his law, you probably wouldn't want to be in heaven with him for eternity anyways 🤷🏾‍♀️
  • @rentlastname2824
    Well said Matt. God’s love, as revealed in His word, is very different to the world’s understanding of love. And Christians need to know the difference. A wrong view of God’s love results in a wrong application of love in our relationships with each other. It’s a big problem today, with many Christians confusing ‘loving thy neighbour’ with this self-serving, ‘toxic’ compassion that we’ve seen paraded through the streets in various forms over the past 4 years. Keep preaching the truth brother.
  • Seeker friendly churches take pains to deliver the message - Come as you are, no need to change.
  • @kym6896
    I so agree with this! I don’t remember telling people (unbelievers) randomly that God loves them. If I tell them it has to be with the gospel message. We are sinners in need of a savior. we all send and fall short of the glory of God. I have had to memorize scriptures for the gospel message so I can save them as I speak to people directly about Jesus and what he has done for us and why we need to agree that we are sinners, and that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins! I’ve told people some of my sins because I don’t want to come off self-righteous. But without the law first you can’t understand the true sacrifice of what Jesus did for us🙌🙌🙌🙏🏼 I don’t know I
  • @rickinnepa9008
    What an awesome commentary. Young man you have hit the nail on the head. Well put. Praise God
  • @artistocracy
    Exactly correct, Matt. The lovey dovey Pentecostal church feel good attitude and mis-doctrinal messages made me leave after almost a year. No one takes a bible (I did and held it high in worship songs) and my aim was to ask everyone at cafe time after who spoke to me was: Where are you in the bible right now? You can already guess no one was reading. Being a bible reader daily and loving it, meant the only purpose of church to me is to be edified in the word, not go for a good time. Only two of us read our bibles in church.