What to do if I have COVID? Treatment & Recovery at Home ~ UPDATE

What are symptoms of COVID? What to do if I have COVID 19? In this animated video, we will discuss about isolation, treatment, monitoring, and recovery of Covid 19 at home. With new variants like Omicron, Omicron BA, Delta and others coming, it is important to know how to manage COVID at home and prevent the spread of infection. Most people who get COVID will have mild disease that can be managed at home. Learn how to take care of yourself or your family member at home. How to monitor symptoms? When to go to hospital? What medicines to take? How to do home isolation? When to quarantine if you were exposed to COVID? How long to stay in isolation? What medicines to use for COVID treatment? How to keep others safe? and, When to return back to normal activities?

We all have a role to defeat Coronavirus, TOGETHER.
#DefeatCOVID #DrSmartTeam

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Dr. Smart team educates about health & diseases in a simple, easy and fun way. We want people to know about common diseases, what are their signs and symptoms, how are they treated, and when to seek help. Our goal is to empower everyone through health awareness based on accurate and authentic information. Stay healthy and help others stay healthy!


コメント (21)
  • I’ve tested positive for COVID-19, please people pray for me 🤲🏻. I wish and pray for everyone to get well and recover from COVID-19 as soon as possible. Much love ❤️.
  • I’m 67 and just recovered at home from a 3 week ordeal with COVID. The most important advice I can give is not to panic! People will scare the hell out of you, the result of which is heightened anxiety. The more anxious you become, the worse your symptoms appear to be. I had no respiratory symptoms, yet because of anxiety, was having episodes of shortness of breath. My symptoms started with a low grade fever and chills for 2 nights. Then came the body aches along with a terrible bout with burning skin on my torso and back. My skin hurt so badly that it effected my sleep. After a week, I lost my sense of smell and taste. The fatique was pretty bad the next week and I became depressed. In my 3rd week, I had nausea and diarrhea. After 3 weeks, January 31st, I started to go for short walks with my wife (who was sick right along side me the whole time). Each day, we walked a little more and breathed very deeply while outside. My taste has returned (she never lost hers) and we are both back to our normal routines. The biggest difference (for me) between COVID and the Flu was the duration of the illness and the multitude of symptoms. Just when you think you’ve turned the corner, a new symptom appears and knocks you down again. This causes depression because you thought you were home free.
  • This sh** is not a joke! I've been sick for 4 days now and when you think it's getting better - it's not! I have it all: sore throat, runny nose, fever, headaches, muscle pain, weakness 😫 I'm 3 times vaccinated and this is horrible. Stay safe people, and I pray we all get recovered soon 🙏
  • I have covid and I feel miserable. The intermittent fevers and chills are hard to cope with and the sick feeling. I live alone. I don’t do much housework atm. I find it’s important to take care of myself by keeping warm or cool and having a warm scarf near my chest. My son brought me a care package & left it at the door. A friend is going to bring me some groceries today, I think. It’s important to eat healthily as you can. I hope it doesn’t get any worse for me and I hope you all get better soon
  • @Puggalug
    My personal warning signs of covid was when my body was burning up and not cooling down, yet my feet were feeling extremely cold. The next day, my entire body was sore. Took a rapid test and I tested positive for covid.
  • I tested positive 3 days ago , today is day 4 of a wicked head cold , plugged sinuses,headache and helium head . I’m triple vaxxed and not getting worse , but not feeling better yet . Best of luck to all on your personal journey with covid , this virus is a damn strange chameleon. 🙏🏻
  • It's so weird because this variant that's going around today is so contagious and everybody that's getting it has not had it for the last two and a half years and we're all fully vaccinated
  • @__matcha
    At one night i woke up feeling like a car ran over me, huge muscle aches and fever along with chest pain. A week of feeling every inch of my muscles getting stabbed by needles, high fever, feeling like not getting enough breath etc. For the first few days i could only stay awake for like 4 or 5 hours, spent the week by sleeping and taking vitamin c which helped a lot. My symptoms were gone after a week but brain fog stayed for 15 days more afterwards i was fine. Taking rests and not letting anxiety hold onto you plays a big role on recovery. Stay safe.
  • @pr6087
    Im 14 and just did a home covid test and got positive. I’m laying in bed and have headaches and sometimes my throat hurts. I’ll try to be as calm as possible and I will try to update you guys and incase you have Covid too, I hope you recorder quickly and have a nice day!!
  • im 30, male. got my sore throat on friday 11/2. i didnt know it was covid at that time. and then night time when i sleep. i suddenly have a high fever, headache and joint pain. i dont suffer from sneezing and heavy coughing. i did the ART Test and it came out positive. Then on Sunday and Monday ( yesterday) im feeling okay without any fever, just a light sore throat and dry cough. and as of now. i can feel that everytime a take a deep breath, its like theres a mucus. but when i try to cough, its still adry cough. what should i do now? i already have 2 dose of vaccine. and this is my first time getting infected with covid. please pray for me and my family.
  • This morning, my younger Brother woke up with a fever and body aches, he took a home Covid test and tested positive. He's gonna take an actual test tomorrow, but it looks like after 2 whole years of avoidance of the virus, it looks like it may have finally caught up to us.
  • I'm 13, fully vaccinated with Pfizer, ive been diagnosed today, I woke up today with a bad cluster headache, stuffy yet slightly runny nose, and my throat has been quite sore and dry for around 3 days (if ur throat is sore for a few days I would recommend getting a test <3), fatigue, and a 100.7° F fever. I had slightly more severe conditions, due to not coughing much my throat is stuffed and my oxygen levels are low. I still dont understand much, just taking my prescriptions and staying calm. Additionally I cant have red meats, pasta, or rice, and I have to sleep facing down to avoid difficulty breathing. If any of you get the symproms I named out of nowhere I strongly recommend getting a test, I wish all you fellow fighters good luck and may you recover quickly! Edit: I have recovered and am fully healthy now! Thanks to everybody who wished well :)
  • i’m 16, female. got my sore throat 7/2. was on a cruise from the carribbean and noticed my symptoms the day before we went back to port canaveral. woke up at 6:30 to leave the ship and felt nauseous and feverish. spent probably 4 hours of the 7 hour drive home sleeping, threw up in the car a couple times. finally got home and slept for what felt like all day. took some afrin to relieve the sinus congestion and felt a little better, at least well enough to unpack my bags, but it’s been on a again off again energy.
  • I got the first symptoms a week ago and today I still feel like crap. It feels like a very bad cold that refuses to go away, but so far this has been more annoying than dangerous.
  • This video will benefit a lot of people who have COVID-19! 👍
  • @mlmj1994
    Thank you for this information. I’m 27, triple vaxxed, one my students had it last week and felt weird at the end of that week but my test came out negative but now 5 days later I’m positive. I usually wear a mask but when that student was talking to me, I had taken it off for a bit. The student is the only close contact case that I know of but I could have gotten it from anyone in the building 🤷🏾‍♀️ I have a very runny nose, consistent cough and low energy. My throat is on and off sore. I usually do a lot things around the house so it’s weird having to wait for someone to bring me water and food. The service is slow here haha. 🛐
  • Severe back pain too, eat garlic onion boil ginger mint lemon drink. Drink lots of water.
  • @fooshenip
    It amazing to read about how many teens on this blog with Covid.