What happens when you pick Brim on Breeze

Publicado 2022-08-23
This is the usual reaction that happens when you instalock Brimstone on Breeze.

This video also features the type of plays I make on Brimstone that got me to Top 0.1% high Immortal 3 and how I peaked Radiant.

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#valorant #brimstone #brimmain #brimstonemolly #brimlineups
#valorantlineups #brimstonemontage #brimstonegameplay #valorantshorts #valorantclips #valorantgameplay #brimstone4life #brimstonevalorant #ascentlineups #valorantascent #ascentlineup #brimstoneascent #brimstoneascentgameplay #valorantascent #ascentlineups #radiantbrimstone #perry2n #brimstonelineupsbind #brimlineupsbind #brimstonelineupsascent #brimstonelineupshaven #brimlineupshaven #brimstonelineupsfracture #brimstonelineupsbreeze #howtoplaybrimstone

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @dexterity494
    I like how your teammates pretty quickly go from "I'm so glad you know these lineups" to "you're a nerd for learning these lineups."
  • @CarsonM
    as a brim main i could watch this all day
  • @YesMyMahiru
    5:10 i burst into laughter when KJ just screamed, charged in, and died immediately
  • @apxika932
    Viper: "Welcome to my..." Brim: "No, welcome to mine"
  • @Arc_VAL
    this guy is living proof that brim is one of the best solo q / ranked agents and that if you are smart enough you dont need to have insane aim
  • @Kyle-se4uw
    I love seeing Valorant players being so impressed by lineups when in CSGO it was essential to be able to smoke effectively on T sides, so much so that 3-man smoke executes were very common even in the lower ranks
  • @Cxntrxl
    when you're spectating a planting brim and he starts leisurely wandering away from site you know it's either gonna go really well or really poorly, no inbetween
  • @tati_moons
    I'm forcing myself to learn Brim because of the insta pick duelists on my teams (i'm a sova main) and this kind of videos are a motivation honestly, i'm not a line up kind of player but i think i'm gonna try some of them
  • @thatonedude3149
    As a plat player I’m just happy anyone picks smokes in my games, I’ve seen more triple duelists comps in my games than controller players in general.
  • @theKangFang
    As a brim player i trick i found works surprisingly well is just use your smokes in a line to site and straight up plant
  • @midnightshout69
    I don't even play Brim but if I see a Perry2N video, I'll click.
  • Definitely subscribing. i like how you do what I do and plant like me ie "toe curling" spots haha 'if the plant doesn't make you freak out a little it's too safe'
  • Someone tries to defuse the spike This dude : im bout to end this mans whole career
  • @deejaypile
    so many backseat gamers for you lol i admire ur patience