how to render like an art god

Published 2024-04-12
sup b*ches
sorry for the cringey af title but I wanted to be up there with the big bois ynwim so that's that, anyway imo this one's legit one of the best videos I've made so far and I haven't seen this advice around that much
hope its useful!

my IG:

artists at 3:08

All Comments (21)
  • @menacing7462
    usually art tutorials feel like they're created by the same people (cus it's probably good advice), but this one feels original, plus I needed this rn ty
  • @Plexi.T
    Bro, your tip about the render balls is actually revolutionary to me. I will DEFINITELY be trying that later.
  • @erzengelos
    this tutorial feels like a breath of fresh air. when you said that we do not need to perfectly and fully render everything in the painting, something just clicks. thank you for the banger king πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  • @adarfrida
    Great tips! Rendering balls is a new one for me lol
  • @Mmeiko
    Perfect timing, i opened the youtube app to search about this topic.
  • @lorrein2345
    Bro just straight up dropped the best rendering vid on YT πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  • I was just watching this cool vid thinking it was some well known youtuber or something, but i saw the views and couldn't believe it. So underrated holyyyyyyy
  • @fireatwilliam
    Thank you so much! Ive been doing art for years but i needed to hear this, great video, subscribed πŸ’₯
  • @thelads4057
    I don’t think the act of rendering in itself is hard per-say but it’s actually understand the form of what you’re drawing all the way down to the nook and crannies that makes your rendering really good
    I love how you always give out the easier and more simplistic ways to start things off rather than jumping right into the harder bits, and make learning things a lot easier for the baby art gremlins. I'd love to try this out, but I can barely colour properly lmao, never mind drawing a hand πŸ˜‚ Keep up with the good work!! I just know that someday you'll be quite famous!! I'll be cheering you on always! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
  • @TobiGoofs
    Sick advice, u got a new follower :)
  • @GhostTheMann
    I just started digital and got a friend to teach me to render, and this isn't as different of what they told me, good stuff. The focus points i will use em tho
  • @erikpng
    That piece's reneding reminds of Jhonen Vasquez's newer work. He do be rendering like that.