인도의 복지혜택과 교통문화 (India’s welfare benefits and transportation culture)

India’s welfare benefits and transportation culture

India operates a variety of social welfare programs.

Pradahan Mantri Garanta (PM Garib Kalyan Yojana) is one of the social welfare programs launched by the Government of India to specifically support vulnerable groups who have suffered vaccination and economic impacts. The program provides financial, food and other assistance to families experiencing economic hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, we provide a variety of benefits including medical services and financial support.

pM Garib Kalyan Yojana is an effort of the Government of India that aims to provide rapid benefits especially to the poor. Millions of poor families are benefiting directly and indirectly through this program, and it is an important effort to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We provide a variety of benefits for poor families.

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) is a law promulgated by the Indian government in 2005 to address unemployment among the poor. The law guarantees 100 days of jobs for the poor and aims to improve infrastructure in rural areas. Through this, we aim to help local communities develop economically and improve the quality of life of the poor. Additionally, MGNREGA emphasizes transparency and social inclusion, promoting open information provision and participation of women and vulnerable groups. mGNREGA is having a significant impact on India's rural areas, demonstrating the Indian government's commitment to solving the problem of unemployment among the poor.

India has a very diverse and busy transport system. In big cities, people use public transportation such as subways, buses, and taxis.
When planning a trip, it is important to carefully consider traffic conditions.

In India, people use a variety of transportation methods, including cars, motorcycles, bicycles, buses, and trains, and traffic congestion is severe on the roads. Traffic congestion is especially serious in urban areas, where cars and motorcycles mix with each other. Additionally, safety issues have become an issue in India as many drivers do not follow traffic signals or ignore lanes. However, even in this complex traffic culture, people in India can often be seen communicating and moving through traffic through mutual understanding and concessions

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