The Science of Attraction: Why You’ve Not Met Someone - Matthew Hussey (Bonus Episode)

Published 2023-06-08
Navigating the world of modern dating and romance is hard. Back in our parents’ and grandparents’ days, it was common for people to meet through family or mutual friends. Nowadays, things are a little more complicated. We’re much less likely to meet our potential partners organically. It’s pretty rare for people to meet through sports clubs, events, or just by hanging out with people who live in your local area. The rise of dating apps and websites means that our first encounter with our potential partners is likely to be through a screen - which comes with a lot of complexities. On top of that, the rise of social media encourages us compare our relationship with the seemingly perfect couples on Instagram - which often creates unrealistic expectations. So, how do we navigate this new landscape and find those meaningful connections that we crave and that add value to our lives? In this episode of deep dive, I spoke to renowned dating coach Matthew Hussey. Matthew Hussey has helped millions of people find love and build strong relationships for over a decade. His YouTube channel has nearly 3 million subscribers and his book, ‘Get the Guy’, is a New York Times bestseller. In the episode you'll learn about:

00:00 Navigating the world of dating
03:19 The 4 stages of attraction
17:53 Mistakes we make when dating
28:23 Practical dating advice
44:26 The secret to long-lasting desire


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All Comments (21)
  • @pikalee3492
    Wow, im currently living this. Met a guy online that has similar values and ideologies as me. We went on our first date and I wasnt immediately attracted to him and thought he might see me as more as a friend. Went home and really thought things through. I realized i made a quick judgement in my head and created a whole narrative around it. My history is being physically attracted to "good looking" men but they lacked consistency and had poor communication. This guy has everything i would eant in a partner and that im willing to give too. I decided to give another chance to truly get to know him and I'm madly in love with him. Im excited to learn more about him and love how much time we spend together. Its so important to check yourself and recognize the patterns in your dating life. Thanks for reading my novel lol
  • I think that it's important to feel attracted to our partner and not only choose it because he/she is a "good person".
  • @lav7161
    "We start giving to somebody else what we wish someone would give us" So true. And then we completely avoid what they want or think they're crazy for wanting that.
  • @grannyronna
    Great dialogue. As someone who has been married for 40 years, I feel like I have some perspective to offer on long term relationships. One thing I can add is that the person to whom you commit, grows and changes over time, as will you. My husband and I are very different people than we were decades ago. Our changes haven't happened at the same time, or always in a way that makes the other person comfortable. Balancing the work to grow as an individual and work to grow together in a relationship is complex. There are often difficult tradeoffs to make and how you see the "price" of those will change over time. I get that dating is hard: Being with someone else for a long time isn't easy :). But the rewards of hanging in there? For me, so worth it.
  • @christirb1
    I think we as a society put SO MUCH emphasis on our physical appearance and on how someone makes us feel. Both are fallacies. Looks will ALWAYS fade/change and a lot of times the way we feel with someone is our actually our childhood insecurities being activated. We have to first have a healthy view of ourselves, of love and of other people BEFORE we decide whether we are attracted to someone or not. I was 43 y/o when I met my husband and got married. I was extremely insecure and thought my looks (that I was losing quickly) were everything. My husband is 12 years younger than I am. He fell in love with me bc of my heart. Yes he thinks I’m beautiful, but he told me that he had never met a woman with my heart and he knew he couldn’t let me go. I was shocked! He’s changed my perspective. Love and attraction is WAY more than looks. We’ve been married 2 1/2 years. 🥰
  • @economadic2103
    I quit dating apps some time ago now, and I can honestly say it's one of the best things I've ever done for my mental health and self-confidence. I don't care how long it takes to meet somebody, I will do it the organic way. It just feels so much more free and natural, and it's really allowed me to be way way more present with the people in my life and the people who are right in front of me
  • @lyndalmorse6555
    When I met my husband I wasn’t initially attracted to him as he wasn’t my usual ‘type’. But I soon realised that he made me feel good ie no anxiety, no stress around being with him, no questioning if I was good enough etc etc. the physical attraction came a bit later. We’ve been married 9 years now 🥰
  • @lindapham4876
    Surprised by all the hate in the comments! Honestly as someone who’s recently had a failed relationship, the things he’s saying about people fixating on the wrong stages and perceived value is so spot on
  • @flexster5385
    Love how this conversation mentioned that while attraction and chemistry is important, there are so many other factors that also build a healthy relationship!
  • @ShayC143
    I’ve listened to so many dating advices that I don’t even want a relationship anymore. I’m really content and happy on my own.
  • @yrd814
    Take it from me.... 18 years ago I fell in love with this handsome, charming, hard worker, amazing lover and married him, but we had NOTHING in common! Not the same values, not the same definition of loyalty, or what fun means, etc... but I forced this relationship because I was obsessed with the idea of being with him. Now I am divorced and I totally see what Matthew says: connection and attraction is not everything. There is so much more... and we can't ignore that.
  • This video is massively impressive. Matthew Hussey really is emotionally intelligent and equally well-spoken, and you Ali, hold such a beautiful space for him to talk, through not interrupting or making exaggerated expressions just for the sake of "drama", as I've seen on other podcasts that Matthew has been on. You're just respectfully listening, and it's wonderful to see. Also the transitions are so tastefully made, it's really a great experience watching this. Keep up the great work.
  • @Attabasca
    Dating to me can be like how people are in an interview. They try and display all their best qualities and maybe try and convince you that they have some that they don't really have. And like some people are great in interviews, end up being lousy workers - some people who are great on dates, end up being lousy in a committed relationship. You definitely need to be aware that just because you had a great date or dates, you can't really know how that person will be as a partner. It helps to stay grounded.
  • @sultana_467
    “I just had the most amazing date with the most amazing person. Based on what?” Now that was a reality check Matthew!!
  • "The consequences of ignoring what I'm saying is a life of suffering." - This is 100% the truth. I had the first three... but not compatibility, and it lead to the greatest pain I've ever experienced.
  • @Ana-rb7ws
    Matthew Hussey grew a lot over the years. From the guy who was teaching women how to get the guy, to not date for attraction is a great evolution. While I don’t like that many women may have wasted their time by following his earlier advice, the fact that he learned and is now teaching from his new found wisdom is something I can admire. Thanks for doing that, Matthew.
  • @Britney.J
    This conversation is super interesting. I dated a lot in my teens and 20's and didn't ever settle down with one person. My family sort of felt sorry for me that my cousins and other peers were getting married and choosing to have families. I guess I didn't feel sorry for myself, but the family pressure was frustrating. Finally, in my 30's I got lucky to meet someone that made it to the compatibility component of the levels Matthew describes. I think that's where all my other relationships fell short. Now I feel incredibly grateful to have a partner that does have shared goals, and we discuss if those things are evolving/ how that impacts the other person. And I couldn't be more happy to share my life with my partner. It was definitely worth the wait to find a person that was in the same frame of mind and perspective. Looking back on "failed" relationships, I can definitely see at what level the communication/ structure of the relationship broke down. None of them had the right level of importance at the right time. I appreciate this interesting framework to consider relationships within.
  • @silverlinings3946
    Let's be real here. If there is no attraction by the third date, it's unlikely it will ever appear without hard work on both sides. And even then, imagine one side often feeling rejected or unwanted, while the other side dreading the sex nights, or feeling ambushed and coerced. Values are important, but they don't have to match ideally, nearly always some compromise can be achieved. But how to compromise when there is no mutual attraction?
  • @febeyuan7840
    sometimes I look at people.. who easily find a soulmate without even thinking all of this .. and there is me.. confuse and lost in the dating world.. stopped being in a relationship since 31 years old..I'm 38 now..almost here and there with no specific outcome. I know what I want, but I don't think he exists.. I simply put it like that.
  • @Ringo-starrrr
    Have followed Matthew since 2013 and he has transformed my life with his advice. The only mistake I made was to only pay heed to how to get the partner, not on who to choose. It is so important to choose the right one FOR YOU, as he rightly says in this