How To Live Your Best Life (The Vision Board System)

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95% of businesses fail within the first 5 years of being started. And I’m willing to bet that the majority of them fail because of this 1 key component.
They lack vision. And as we transition to more and more of an attention economy, it’s only going to get harder and harder to build an online presence and capture the attention of potential buyers.
In this video I’m going to share with my proven 8-Step process for finding your vision and creating an actionable plan to make it happen.

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コメント (16)
  • @goood2024
    I am commenting from Japan. I enjoy watching your videos.
  • @anmerxyz
    My favorite point in this is creating a vision for both your business AND personal life. This was a big shift for me. I have been into business since I was young and I've always had strong and ambitious visions for where I wanted my projects and companies to go. But the personal vision was a distant, glorified image of what life would be like after my business years. I shifted this approach and now have a vision for both that are aligned and not divided into separate chapters of my life.
  • This is a criminally underrated video. I'm struggling to get my one person business back on track after several years of neglect, and this is a really helpful framework for me. Thanks!
  • Pure GOLD in this video. It is like one video of 10 minutes that contains a map for LIFE
  • @dcritikk
    New fan here @Mat! Great video; I love how you present the content; it helps to understand things better & faster.
  • @tahanitrips
    Great video Matt! I like people product process part
  • @vaniaelise
    I just found your channel and I think it’s so cool that not only do we have a similar personal brand niche but we share very similar lifestyle goals! Thank you for sharing your light with the world! I look forward to connecting one day 🙌🙏
  • @FosterMoza
    This was one of the most helpful videos on YouTube, editing quality is through the roof as well. Happy to be here early, you are a true inspiration Matt. I hope my channel can be as high quality as yours.
  • Hey Matt, I think this is great stuff. Really awesome. I am wondering how your mantra of "Be Too Good to Ignore" interacts with your advice that "done is better than perfect." On its face, I struggle to reconcile those two things; but I am pretty sure that you have an answer to this. Thanks for all of the great work you do.
  • Good stuff as always! I'd love to get big enough to come to one of your retreats!
  • I am the first one to comment and to view it and to like it. You are going great , m following you on LinkedIn also 👍