I remade Every Mob in Minecraft

Published 2024-02-21

All Comments (21)
  • @Kuro_LC
    "And then i put c in the sea even though sea doesn't start with c because c and sea are both pernouce sea so make sens-" Is my favorite part 😅😅
  • @Akmal_More123
    Accidentally left this video running while I took a nap
  • @King_Kitten
    Cool im an og lel Btw what software he usin Oh blockbench
  • @colonj
    Your baby yellow just snatched off his head 💀
  • @Colin626
    Comment what you favorite smiling critter mine is hoppy hop scotch
  • @Eclipse_EditzWC
    " which make him look like he has 159 children in his basment " " the mcdonalds villain " " so because of that you should ebircsbus "
  • @Eri-428
    Can we count how many times he said "and" 😂
  • @SadatRahman2nd
    If two critters are tall that means ALL CRITTERS ARE TALL
  • @Evesan98
    "But then I put him in the sea even tho it doesn't start with c . But c and sea would make sence" bro has a big brain
  • Dogday is friendly because in the game he is talking to the player to save him and he wasn’t trying kill but then when the smiling critters went in to him he became evil so basically he is a good guy.