Day in my life as a solo mum in the UK


コメント (21)
  • @zoecooke1680
    I wish I could send pregnant you the clip saying “I love being a mum.” What a journey. It’s so good to see you out the other side!
  • @zoepeters3826
    Sorry for the unsolicited advice, feel free to ignore me 😂. Have you considered batch cooking Oryn’s evening meals? When my children were small, on the weekends I make a massive pan of mash (you could substitute butter and milk for vegan options) and then divide 3 or 4 smaller batches and make x4 smoked cod, broccoli parsley sauce x4 sausage mash, cauliflower, gravy, x4 chicken carrots mash gravy etc and then freeze. Defrost and warm in the microwave. If baby is still learning how to use a spoon, you can use two spoons, hand a filled spoon to baby and while they’re eating that one, fill the other spoon and keep swapping. It’s was much easier, I feel like it was easier to get a range of proteins and veg and gauge how much they’ve eaten over finger foods that get thrown on the floor or mushed up and difficult to see how much they’ve eaten of each food group. Also eliminates the issue of slaving over a stove every day when you can just do it once for a week or fortnight. Like I said, feel free to ignore.
  • @dizzycowuk
    When we had that sediment it usually meant we needed to add more dishwasher salt
  • @JennyBunny240
    My sons coming up to 16 months, we just eat thr same meals. 7am breakfast 9.30 or 10am shack, 12 lunch, 230pm or 3pm snack. 5.45pm tea time. 7pm up to bed x. He has half hour nap about 10.30.
  • @amagr1990
    19:52, I'm one of those! I love how real you are! I mean you have A LOT of subscribers but you're still normal, you show real life and not just the nice parts as some influencers do! Thanks for keeping it real! 🤩
  • @TinyPigy282
    I know you said previously you weren't able to but could eating with him really help with encouragement to eat. If he's able to watch and mirror mum etc
  • @Angie-Who
    Would you do a video of simple easy meals? I know it's not your usual video type but watching you make food is making me hungry and I'm not a natural cook.
  • It's been really interesting to me to hear about your nursery experiences as someone who works in a daycare in the US, (mostly with classrooms of either 1 or 2-year-olds). As you mentioned him eating puree at nursery, I was thinking that at my work we don't give "baby food" to the one-year-olds, instead giving them solid food in toddler-appropriate softness and size, in fact without parent permission to feed outside of the meal plan we can't give puree. Even the older babies in the infant room are given baby-appropriate solids (often either mushed or in tiny pieces) as their meal, with puree fed to the younger food-eating babies and the ones who won't eat the solids. I wonder if this difference is cultural or just individual differences in centers or child? We also only give the kids one two-hour nap time from 12-2, which I do know that some of the littler 1's and kids new to our program and routine struggle with. The differences are so interesting! Have you struggled with Oryn's nursery having a different routine/schedule for the day than at home? I'd love to hear more about your experiences with nursery! A lovely video! I enjoyed it a lot!
  • Have you tried cleaning out the drain of the dishwasher? Ours has sediment occasionally if food or debris is in the bottom of the dishwasher stuck in the filter. Not sure if that will help you but ours did something similar before! Hope it works normally soon for you
  • @jgr_lilli_
    My dishwasher sometimes does this too where it leaves pieces of sediment/food remnants on the outside of dishes. Most often when I have tomato sauce or other mushy/starchy residue. I haven't really found a solution but I found that it happens most commonly on the edges of the upper dishbasket, I assume because the water jet isn't as strong there. It's so annoying because it's so hard to get off after it dries!
  • Just wondering why his first wake window is so short? 'normal' for 12/13 months is around 3-4 hour wake windows.. 2 hours seem very short to me.. However if it works it's fine.. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I would probably start stretching his wake windows. This could also be why his morning nap isn't very long? I moved my son to 1 nap around 16.5 months.. Which is then 5-6 hours awake time. And yes! Feeding a toddler is not fun! My son is almost 20 months old and it's a struggle, especially at dinner time.. He goes to daycare (nursery) full time during the week and luckily he usually eats well there. Aww no teeth! Their gummy smiles are too cute! But at almost 20 months old my son now has 16 teeth, got his first at 7 months.... And I'm hoping the last 4 only come in like a year, I'm exhausted 😂
  • @meluvfriends
    I have the exact same blue cutting mat, here in Saskatchewan, Canada! Very neat :) glad to see you guys!
  • @jgr_lilli_
    I really loved Oryn's pyjamas in the beginning, the print is so cute! On the topic of laundry: You mentioned in a recent DITL and now again that you wash Oryn's laundry separately from yours. Is there a specific reason why you do that? I have never seen it done this way in my family!
  • @yumyum215
    I've been enjoying your content! 😊
  • It’s the things that spin that you need to clean out, I’ve had it a few times and bits get stuck in them
  • @tubenbee5559
    I really enjoy watching your content even though my baby journey is SO different - mine walked at 8 months and was fully in toddlerhood by a year so I could never leave him alone for a second to do house work or cook. Plus he never slept for longer than 3 hours at a time and we ended up cosleeping so I could get some rest. Shows they’re all so different!!
  • Definitely looking forward to more DITL videos! They're the perfect length to get some jobs done and my 9 month old loves to watch along with me 🤣
  • @Alithia87
    Solidarity on the fussiness! My LO is about a month older than Oryn and he is barely eating anything at the moment. Barely touches vegetables, and drops a lot on the floor. Its very grain- and banana-based at the moment. And avocado. I have little muffins cooked with veggies in, and at least he eats those.