They're All Jerks...

Published 2024-04-23

All Comments (21)
  • @CuriousMisterG
    No, I literally will not put the truck in drive unless ALL of my passengers have their seat belts on. My whole viewpoint is "I refuse to be the reason you die regardless of how you feel"
  • @NotLard
    not wanting to put on your seatbelt is just a bizarre hill to die on. youve got some issues if putting on a seatbelt is THAT taxing of a thing for you to do lmfao
  • @CrimsonThunder_
    First guy is 100% in the right. My car, my rule. Regardless of danger or no danger, the one time you don’t wear your seatbelt is the one time you get into accident or get pulled over. As a passenger in my car, I am responsible for your safety on the road, and if you won’t follow my rules in my car, I’m not giving you a ride. The guy probably could’ve just politely said, “Hey guys, put your seatbelts on please. Rule of my car, I can’t drive if my passengers aren’t belted in.” Maybe that would’ve helped, maybe not. And also, as a just someone riding in a car, always put your seatbelt on. It literally takes one second.
  • @dooderscoot2900
    It doesn't take very high speeds to toss you out of the car. Also, the driver is likely liable in case of accident....definitely NOT the asshole for this one.
  • @crystal_rea28
    "AITA?” And they either did something extremely reasonable and normal or they committed the most horrendous and Godawful sin in the world
  • @spaomalley
    The driver can be pulled over and receive a fine for passengers not having a seatbelt on in certain states.
  • @TestSubject375
    That last story made me think that maybe Caleb is a bit disconnected from the current economical state of young adults
  • @onlyAerik
    imagine being such a stubborn child that you walk home b/c you don't like seatbelts.
  • @diegosanchez3796
    I was the "asshole" in high school. Had a Pontiac Sunfire🔥 My friend in the backseat was not willing to buckle up. I start driving slowly while saying "you should buckle up, cuz I could suddenly brake like THIS!" flooring the brake pedal out of the blue. His face slammed nose first into the back of the headrest in front of him, slightly hurting his nose. He said nothing, I said nothing, he buckled up, we went on to our destination without incident.
  • I ain’t gonna live with witnessing my friend die in my car if I crash. Put your damn seatbelt on
  • @terminaldeity
    Back in high school (over 20 years ago), a close friend of mine died in a car accident. He was a passenger and wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Car hit a bump going over a hill, lost control and hit a tree. My friend went through the windshield from the back seat. I miss him and still think about him. If you're a driver, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to everyone in that car to ensure their safety. Enforcing the seatbelt rule is an act of compassion. It's a healthy boundary. This is not a situation to be wishy-washy. Wear. The. Fucking. Seatbelt.
  • @shoshanahelek
    I feel like telling your passengers you wont drive unless they wear seatbelts is just setting boundaries
  • @wendybooth4074
    No, there aren't cheap places to rent... not in this economy. It is no longer like it was when I graduated. Apartments are currently INSANE.
  • @MoonkaCake
    I think it literally went over their heads for that last story. He has been paying rent since he was 16, and wanted to celebrate his last year in college with his friends for a spring break trip in Mexico. Easter comes around every year. Sure you never know when family might pass. But that could happen any time in your life, something you have to accept as adult and still live your life. At the end he is planning to move out and did the adult thing still paid them the remainder of time they agreed upon he would stay there.
  • @theam9320
    1st guy is right. He could be liable if anything happens to them depending on the area. Plus they'd definitely blame him if they got hurt and you know it.
  • @FreyaWarr
    I think it’s absolutely insane to charge a 16 year old rent. That says a lot about the parents. I think it’s even borderline psychotic to charge 18-21 year olds living at home rent, especially if they’re in college/university.
  • @shadowkissed2370
    The apartment one is probably true. My father-in-law was the same way. We let my husband's parents move in because they didn't have a place to stay, and a year or two after they moved in, his father decided without permission to get on my personal laptop that I was using strictly for Uni and wouldn't give it back even though I had assignments due. He actually got in my face and told me he was the head of the house, and it was his house, and anything in his house was his. He learned the hard way that that was not true.
  • @personagenerator
    The guy paying rent to his parents started paying at 16 and said he had been paying it for four years. He has a successful small company and he's graduating college at 18. He clearly was maturing too fast for his parents to keep up with emotionally and they're clearly conflicted in how to treat him with pushing more adult responsibilities on him early while simultaneously thinking they have control over his autonomy after he's already a legal adult. I think it's more disrespectful for his parents to shame him for celebrating spring break with his peers before they all graduate. Adults have boundaries and other adults need to respect them. He'll have a lot more time to visit family, but he only has one more spring break left with his friends before they all go on to kickstart their own lives. I hope this makes sense to other people.