Horrible Hamster Death Confessions...

Published 2024-05-01

All Comments (21)
  • Hamsters are undoubtedly tied by a red string of fate to their always unique and uncanny death. And they follow that fucking string like its their only purpose in life to complete the cycle.
  • @Thebritcoll
    Marrying someone for money is not that uncommon. As a dude if some multi million dollar widow wanted some company Iā€™d be into it.
  • @CwasTB1
    9:45 "IF YOU SPRINKLE WHEN YOU TINKLE , PLEASE BE NEAT AND WIPE THE SEAT" make the sign. wtf hasn't he washed his face towel in a month?
  • @craigmusa2254
    Hamsters deserve to live long lives. They can live to be like 3 to 4 years if u really take care of them.
  • @jadinisweird
    Just in case that person who's homeless and needs advice, I've never been on the streets myself, but I have been homeless in some senses (homeless shelter, living in a house that wasn't even fit for squatters, living in trailers that were owned by someone people we knew) and I have some advice. For eating out of the garbage, go to places that have food that doesn't spoil as easily. Things like bakeries, donut shops, anything that has bread or sometimes even places that have sweet things like cakes or stuff like that. You could also go to places like Subway, and other chain restaurants that throw away a lot of bread regularly. Panera is a good option as well, because they also throw away a thought of bread. Even starbucks, their pastries would also probably be better. As for a place to stay, I say look for truck stops around you. Lots of them have showers for at least showering, and at best you can find one that safe enough to stay in a tent that you can close, or if you have a car truck stops in general. I hope this may help anyone who may need it!
  • @Batmanitha_Anne
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. You cannot have a hamster without there being a traumatic backstory of how it died. šŸ˜‚ It would be like my math skills... non-existent.
  • 6:18 kind of was in the same situation and in my state, "charities" and "programs" were either completely full and not accepting any applications, and temp homing situations were ALWAYS full, and some things had waiting lists that were several years long. i figured it out but that stuff really depends on where you come from and where you are, i had no where to go so i had to just bunker down and fight to get ahead, so props to that dude for being alive
  • @thexintrovert
    I had a guinea pig once. He was the sweetest thing. Would even lick my nose if I fell asleep doing homework. My little brother was going through a 'throw things into the ceiling fan and watch them fly' phase. One day, I was doing a science peoject in the kitchen with my dad and we hear a loud THUMP. We were like, "what the heck??" Went to go check it out. Didn't see anything immediately wrong. Went back to project. I went to my room later to go play with Peanut and he wasn't in the cage. I started searching for him and found him behind my bookshelf, limp and lifeless. My little brother started crying and saying he just wanted him to fly. Got another guinea pig who was an absolute menace and would wake me up at all hours of the night. Even had me convinced there was someone tapping on my window at night, so my dad slept in my room for 3 nights with a baseball bat next to him.
  • @nontrashfire2
    So if you go to a Dollar Tree dumpster, they tend to throw out damaged goods in double trash bags with a paper that has a list of what's in the bag.
  • My grandma married for money. She had 2 kids, her first at 17 and her husband left her. She barely had enough money to feed them. She found a guy and got married bc she needed help and money.
  • @Onemoarblockplz
    To the lady who is homeless. Please post this where she posted this: move out of town, to wooded country. The people there are more fond of travelers than you think. That being said, getting a job in a small town, in a small community would get you into a safer place, of mind, monetarily, and physically; it's a safer place. People in pain are people. And people who see so much pain a day, are numb to it. People who support eachother notice when the flow is off. Find a better environment, find a better life. They're coralated.
  • @Ok_Friend-il9of
    I try and help the homeless near my town. I donā€™t always have money for them but Iā€™ll go to Walmart or a restaurant near by and pick up some stuff for them. One of them was a small family who was immigrants and was kicked out of their housing. Me and my mom went to Walmart got a big thing of water bottles, then some non-perishables and some snack cakes for the kids. The other day a war vet was asking for food and water, I went to McDonaldā€™s and picked up some food and a sweet tea. Small things always helps. If you donā€™t want to give them money then pick up something to drink or eat. Small things matter. Iā€™ve been homeless before when I was 9 or 10 not to the point of living on the streets but close. Me and my mom did couch hopping and no where was home. She had disability and couldnā€™t work and I was to young to get a job. We made due with what little we had. Not every homeless person is addict or put themselves in that situation, sometimes itā€™s something like that story or for me I had a house fire. Who knows if they are a addict your act of kindness could help push them to the right path
  • @Jaspartacus
    7:39 He literally writes "I don't like to brag about this kind of thing" the thing being that he would help someone who he doesn't like because most people wouldn't get why, or just assume he is bragging for attention. He wrote it out in r/confessions because that's all it is... a confession. For all we know he is feeling some sort of guilt which is why he feels the need to post on there.
  • For the homeless girl. If being stinky is the main issue, plenty of places will help. Public laundry mats work with just a bit of change. And a lot of "unhoused" people say buying a gym membership with what money you do have is a worthwhile investment, just so you can shower and clean yourself up there. As for food, thats even easier because again A LOT of people are willing to help. Especially if you outright say you don't want money (and prove tou won't spend it on something bad) and just want fed.
  • When I was young, I had a good friend who gave me her pet hamster who we named Snuffle Uffagus, but my younger brother squeezed his eyes out and I had to bury him by myself. I went through a lot for that hamster. I had a brass bedframe and I broke my scalp open on it because my hamster was fairly nocturnal and spent a lot of time moving his bedding around at night and I pulled my covers up and basically jumped 90ā° into the corner of the headboard with my head. That was my first ever hospitalization. Have you ever touched your own skull?
  • @Flyingham
    I love how cute you guys are together! Please stay together and grow old up as a happy couple ā¤