Does God Have a Future? NightLine DEBATE FULL

Try to imagine this debate without Sam Harris being there to correct Deepak. It would have seemed like Deepak was making good points. Thank you SAM HARRIS!

Does God have a future? "Nightline" tackles this and other delicate questions related to faith and spirituality in a "Face-Off" to air Tuesday, March 23.

Deepak Chopra, a physician and best-selling author of "How to Know God," and prominent scholar, philosopher and writer Jean Houston, will face-off against Michael Shermer, founding publisher of "Skeptic" magazine, and Sam Harris, author of "The End of Faith."

The panelists will debate the tension between God and science. Is there scientific proof that God exists or has science made it so that God is no longer relevant?

Chopra and Houston contend that the universe is proof that intelligence is at the heart of creation and that a person needs to look beyond what can be seen and touched, while Shermer and Harris argue science and biology can explain what is happening to people when they pray, meditate and believe in God and that evolution can explain why our beliefs developed.

コメント (21)
  • @dementare
    "I'm not a physicist, you're not a physicist, and basically every sentence you speak on the subject demonstrates this." -Sam Harris
  • Sometimes I get sad, and lose faith in humanity. Then I think of Sam Harris.
  • "Saying it louder and relentlessly is not gonna make it true" EPIC.
  • "If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people." -Gregory House
  • @MrTomemac
    "Saying it louder and relentlessly does not make it true." Love that quote it should appear more often in the face of people like Deepak.
  • Deepak is obviously furious and frustrated that he's finally run up against people who see right through his charlatanry and quantum nonsense.
  • I don't believe Deepak is playing with a full deck, he is clearly out of his depth......he really is the king of "woo-woo".
  • @DaytakTV
    Dear Sam Harris, please somehow get elected as president and fix our country. You are the best. Thank you.
  • @realGBx64
    I really appreciate the calmness of Sam Harris. Being interrupted so many times by nonsense in mid-sentece, I think I would have started shouting at Deepak to shut up. He's just an agitator, he's not arguing at all.
  • I thought I was going to see a good fight. Deepak didn't stand a chance.
  • @Arkloyd
    This should be titled "Does Deepak ever let other people talk?"
  • Watching Deepak Chopra be made a fool of by someone other than himself will never get old.
  • When Deepak was speaking about how science can be more lucrative that spiritualism all I could think about was "Dude you are literally wearing diamond studded glasses"
  • I had no idea how aggressively childish and insincere Deepak Chopra was. He has the temperament of a cult leader.
  • Shermer and Harris made every effort to make reasonable answers. Chopra was almost hysterical in his rants. Although the lady made little effort to join the discussion it was for the best - everything she said was pointless nonsense. "I know what each of those words mean but...."
  • @babymmune
    Bullshit quote of the night: "In the absence of a conscious entity, the moon remains a radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing quantum soup" - The "great" Deepak Chopra
  • @sauniz1
    I don't see how it would be difficult for anyone to believe that the ancient hebrew tribal god sacrificed himself to himself to appease himself so that mankind might be saved from his hate, through his love.
  • Sam Harris is priceless, the way he clearly and quietly makes his point is brilliant, poor old Deepak made himself look a raging idiot with his shouting.