RWBY - The Problematic Issues

Welp, time to talk about RWBY again. I wonder how this will go down, this time? (Hopefully not another REUPLOAD)

Do note that I am human, this is my opinion, but I'm open to criticism and if you feel like my interpretation of this is wrong, all I ask is that you be respectful in the comments. I'm not perfect, and I'm willing to admit that I may be wrong on things.

Originally, this video was uploaded on the first of Feburary, however, since that would be on the death of Monty Oum, I took down the original, and reuploaded it here. I still stand by what I say in my video, but I never shat on Monty Oum, nor did I throw shade at him - I'm only apologizing for the poor timing on my part and only that part.

I've already apologized for that, and if you're gonna lord that over me, I have two words for you...


This was an honest mistake on my end, and I will not respect anyone who tries to lord a simple mistake on my end over my head.



Video where I talk about RWBY Villains:    • RWBY VS GAIM - A Biased Comparison  

Edited by: Mangakamen and MrCakeDragonman

Thanks for the art:
New Icon:
Sprite skull:    / @smoothisan  

End Screen - Check out the artist's DA and twitter. (warning NSFW)…
   • Video…

My stuff:

Ending theme:    • "Marnie's Theme" - Pokémon Sword & Sh...  

Sorry, not sorry.

コメント (20)
  • Not to mention they were originally designed by Monty to be easy to cosplay.
  • As an amateur author, RWBY's writing feels like a first draft. In fact, I'm at least 80% sure that these scripts don't go through any once over process after fixing grammatical errors. It makes me a bit sad, to be honest. RWBY has so much potential to be good, if only there were more than two 'fresh off the presses' writers. Maybe there's not enough time, maybe they're just lazy, I'm not sure. All I know is, Miles and Kerry could really use a Beta.
  • Some of the major problems with RWBY: 1. Messing up characters and their development. 2. Having stupid storyline plotholes. 3. Making the villains seem pathetic. They get built up but there has not been any payoff from them after the Fall of Beacon. 4. RoosterTeeth pandering to the shippers.
  • Robyn has failed to realise you're supposed to become a congressman and then a felon, not the other way around.
  • I swear, this show is slowly turning into a headache with characters turning brain dead for the sake of "Plot"
  • I think the problem with RWBY, if summed up in a single sentence, is this: During Volumes 1-3, the story was made for the characters; after Volume 3, the characters were made for the story.
  • @Angi3_6
    If Miles really cared about making RWBY better, he'd listen to the not so nice comments (I'm sure there are comments that are just genuinely being mean, which no one deseves), because many have a point . He needs to get over his ego.
  • @KelShu
    Not to mention the sheep faunus looked at Tyrian's direction right before he slashed her, implying that she did see him
  • RWBY is basically the kind of show that desperately needs a reboot done by people who give a shit about telling a decent story.
  • RWBY: Wishes to Protecc Atlas and Mantle Also RWBY: Abandons then completely.
  • @boxac2435
    Those clips of the characters back in the early seasons really show each character’s personalities, flaws, goals, etc. Its so weird now for me to think these characters are nothing but bland and boring when its clear they used to be...real characters
  • As someone who was a borderline RWBY stan I can say the show was never really "good" but it was still fun to watch and I thought Volume 3 was going to take the story even higher. Unfortunately that did not happen and I'd say the show pretty much died after Volume 3.
  • @Lh0000
    My favorite part about the party scene is that penny literally glows in the dark... meaning that anyone from any part of the room would see that people were being killed while penny’s glow in the dark swords sit motionlessly behind her... clearly the people of remnant need to get checked out for they may have caught a case of terminal stupid.
  • I absolutely agree with the Robyn portions. At first I thought she was going to be a decent character but her decisions are hasty and questionable, yet the RWBY crew just believes her. I do like how they portray Ironwood (most of the time) but his thinking is more close to his character yet it seems like their demonizing him in this season. I could be wrong but that’s how it comes off to me. Also I still wonder, when turning Tyrian in, why didn’t Qrow cut off his tail or any of them disable it? It’s his main weapon, take it out! Also like Robyn’s semblance, Marrow’s just likes to appear when he could’ve used it to halt everyone so Penny could get Tyrian. Something that would make more sense than what they did, but that’s RWBY for you.
  • That's RWBY'S biggest issue honestly. They obviously have great ideas for the endpoints they want to reach (this really pops up in the ends of volumes 5-7), and great themes they want to explore, they just don't have any idea how to reasonably get there. I can relate a bit as an author because you learn there there's a certain way you WANT things to move. That, you essentially are also a problem to your story in some ways. Even if you know where you want to end you very quickly realize there's problem with how you personally interpret and wish to have everything operate that contradicts the goals you set for yourself. Fighting this is not easy but it must be done, and it's a hell of a lot easier with friends. Point-Blank they know what they want, they just have no idea how to get there reasonably.
  • @kchnbrn
    Kamen: Makes a justified critical video about RWBY FNDM: So, you have chosen death.
  • The Grimm are a joke and have been a joke for a while, but as a result of this is that there is a scene where Blake takes out a Grimm with just one shot from her handgun, and it just makes everyone in melee range look like total morons since most of them have weapons stronger than handguns.