Healing is Possible at Every Moment | Thich Nhat Hanh, 2013.03.10

There is no way to healing, healing is the way. In our daily life we may have small sufferings and as time goes by they may become blocks of suffering in us. We need to recognise this suffering in us. Every breath can bring healing, every step can bring healing. We are able to transform our suffering into peace and joy.

Stopping is very important in our practice. If we can stop, healing will take place right away. Stop doing what brings us suffering, anger and despair. The moment you decided to stop, you feel very light. And the practice of Five Mindfulness Trainings is crucial to our healing.

Can you create a moment of happiness? Through the practice of mindfulness, we are capable to create moments of joy and happiness in our daily life. Take an example, to cook soup we need water, vegetables, tofu. And most of us are capable to cook good soup. To create a moment of little happiness is like that. With some ingredients, we are capable of creating moments of happiness for us and for the others. You need to learn how to create moments of happiness, and to savour moments of little happiness in our daily life.

We practice to stop our NST Non-Stop Thinking Radio, the discourse going on inside us. Stop in order to feel what is happening in the here and now; to feel what is happening in the here and now in order to stop. To feel your body, to be aware of each feeling and to embrace them. We do not chew again and again our sorrow, fear and anger, that is not good for our health. We offer ourselves healthy nutriments. We learn how to walk, sit, eat, do things in our daily life happily and joyfully. Any moment of practice can heal and can help heal other people.

(This is the talk of Thay given on the Daffodil Festival Day of Mindfulness in the Dharma Cloud Temple of Plum Village, France)

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コメント (21)
  • The world has lost one of the greatest teachers of all time. I bow in reverence to the Master of peace.
  • Just listening to this is healing. It reminds us that just being is ok. Well wishes to anyone listening. May you find peace and joy.
  • I listened to Thich Hanh every night . he keeps me calm especially while im pregnant . Im so thankful for him !
  • After almost 70 years of searching, so grateful to find a true teacher who shares Buddha's true teachings in a way that is applicable in present times. Jini from Vancouver ,BC, Canada.
  • Coughing is part of the process of healing. Thay says in this talk that many people come to Plum Village for healing. When we hear coughing it is like the bell reminding us to celebrate the presence of healing.
  • @Therika7
    So beautifully ironic that Thay’s videos are helping me cure my YouTube addiction ☮️
  • love this man. i recieved a verified diagnosis of cancer today. i think i might need his advice a lot in future.
  • The coughing is annoying, but then I realised sitting through the coughing without letting it get to me is part of the practice.
  • As a lay person operating in very challenging situations, I have become devoted to Thay, my teacher. I take delight and comfort in this dharma talk, and am listening as I often do, while I commute to work. Thank you Plum Village. I wish I had a the benefit of others along the way, but you all will have to be my virtual sangha. 🙏☮️❤️
  • I’m watching this with two fractured arms and from the moment I broke them my mantra has been my bones and body are healing in miraculous ways ! I tell my arms how much I love them , as they saved me from landing face first onto a road .... the gratitude I have for my body is immense ... our capacity to heal both physically and emotionally is incredible ... I’ve accepted the situation and have surrendered into the process and I’ve found deep happiness and peace .... this hasn’t been a ‘bad’ experience .... it’s given me the time to dive deep within and pause !
  • Thay is a true master, a genius, an Angel, a ver special human being. He is authentic, kind, compassionate , humble. You should live forever. Thanks for all your help and support dear Thay
  • The more compassion that I feel for those who are coughing, the less I hear them. Love in light y’all
  • I can listen to Thay for the rest of my life. So true and calm to help so many lost souls. 🙏❤😃👍
  • Such an elevated soul. I spoke to a friend of the spiritual power of Thay three days before he passed. I shall always whisper his name to flowers as greeting. He wrote it will make him happy.
  • Today is 24 Jan 2022, I come here to enjoy your teachings again .Dear Thay,a lot of people still suffer of losing the chances like this . But just listening to your voice is also a kind of healing!
  • Breathing in, I calm my body and mind Breathing out, I smile Thank you for everything my master
  • Have listen to healing now the third time by dear Thay. I listen to Thay more or less every day ❤️. He gives me strength and less pain. I am Catholic since 17 years. Before Lutheran and now since I started to listen and reading more and more mindfulness and Zen. I’m so extremely great full to be in contact with Plum Village and Thay. Still sad that I didn’t do it earlier. Must try/learn to live here and now in particular for my health problems that worries my a lot. Bless you all Monks and Nuns at Plum Village and Holy Spirit that took me here. If I get well and get my strength back I will come to Plum Village. Thanks dear Thich Nath Hanh ❤