Comfrey Benefits and Uses

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NOTE: This information is meant for educational purposes only .I am NOT a doctor nor pretend to be one. Nothing I say should be used to replace professional medical counseling. Also, PLEASE do your OWN research!

コメント (21)
  • @PatGeo95
    In Romania we have a strong tradition in using medicinal plants to treat a variety of ailments, including comfrey. It's amazing how nature has given us a true farmacy for all our needs. 🌿🇷🇴
  • I made comfrey tea for my mom when she fell last winter. She refused to go to the doctor for a month! Stubborn woman. Anyway, when we finally got her to go, the orthopedist told her she was all healed up-in a month! She’s in her late 70’s. It should have taken much longer. I attribute it to the comfrey.
  • I have 20 plants of comfey love them I cut them down put them in a 50 gallon barrels fill it with water let sit for 2 weeks or more. Put the water on my garden &flowers organic fertilizer it smells... but it's the best stuff
  • I love Comfrey. I use it externally and internally. I use in my orchard around my fruit trees, I also give it to my chickens and chop and drop. I use it on sprains, cuts, scrapes, aches and pains. As far as internally, I use a mixture of dried comfrey and Earl Grey Cream (vanilla) and make a tea. I usually have a cup a day but not always. Comfrey has been used for thousands of years and if the USDA/Big Pharma says it causes cancer and want to ban it then I believe it works. That goes for Apricot Seeds too. Although I haven't been able to find them. These are just my humble opinions. Thank you Heidi! I love your channel and all the information that you give. You are by far my favorite for information quality and quantity!
  • You are fantastic, my wife has rheumatoid arthritis and I make a tea for her to soak her feet and she says it has really helped her. I think it is a great service that you are informing people about its many benefits. Keep up the good work.
  • @Woman_In_TX1206
    I have a recipe using fresh comfrey leaves chopped & then whizzed into tomato juice. I gave it to my ex-husband after he had a 1,000+ lb vending machine fall on his chest. I’m sure he had broken ribs. He drank it twice a day & was working pain free on day 3. I’m wondering if the tomato juice helped protect the liver? It’s a very old recipe that we got from an old herbalist when my sister & I took her class. I’m happy to share if anyone wants it.
  • I use a comfrey infusion which cleared up a lung issue that no doc could clear up. I learned from Susan weed
  • "From the Shepherd's Purse" has to me got to be a best of the best reference books ... both volume one and two. My great aunt Leana took me by the hand an planted it near a building and while doing so informed me of its many properties... I am nearly 73 now yet this is when I was seven or little more older, she was in her nineties and looked much younger than that even to me at that age... we lost a great mind when she past away. I have used it everyway possible and repeatedly., no harm or fowl. I know that I had a ulcer being treated by good doctors that could not get turned around, surgery only to fix yet drinking that tea every day for some good while healed that terrible ulcer completely. I think of it with Aloe Vera as a super plant. I have drank the juices from the roots as well and used a drop or so of honey to sweeten
  • We extended our dogs live by 11 years. She was diagnosed with a severe X-ray. By pure coincidence a friend passed and told vme out comfrey… as last desperate chance we started and she regrow her joints and lived an very happy painfree live till 15!
  • @suemagyari212
    I made a comfrey salve for a bleeding hemmorhoid that would not stop bleeding. Bleeding stopped within 24 hours.
  • My German Shepherd eats my comfrey leaves. He had surgery on his elbows when he was young and I think he does it to help with arthritis.
  • We use comfrey leaves, with mashed potatoes and fresh white Maize ….it makes lovely deep tasty (mokimo) Kenyan….. we use it all the time and hv never had any issues. We also use it with spinach and makes really tasty vegetables!
  • I heard that comfrey grows really easily and the leaves are good for putting in the compost bin. That was all I knew. I bought a plant and kept it in a pot. For several years I wondered (without seeking more info) why it was not flourishing. Finally I heard about it having deep roots and pulling the nutrients up from the soil. I transferred my always looking close to death plant to soil and IT FLOURISHED. I now have comfrey growing well in numerous places all from that one sickly potted plant
  • I use a poltice made with comfrey on a hernia. Works great! No surgery! Thank God!
  • @rainkatt
    My Dr, who supports homeopathic remedies, encouraged me to use both Comfry with Cannabis and essential oils in a salve to relieve pain in my shoulder, and it has helped tremendously with pain. I will be planting some around my apple trees this spring
  • My grandmother and also my dad's sister, always called it bone knit, and or comfrey. I'm so thankful that I found pictures of it and the uses for it. I recall hearing about Comfrey for everything. My shoulder and knee have been needing this for a long time. Thanks Much!!!!
  • I think I found a comprey plant ,here I go ! You are such a beautiful person ,blessings !
  • @MarlenevT
    A few months ago I dropped a concrete stepping stone on my bare toe. I know it was broken. I wrapped my toe in a comfrey leaf. Next day a serious difference in pain level. It works better than the big toe on my right foot. The deer got my Comfrey the other day. It's on the deck now. Waiting for it to come back
  • Heidi. The comfrey would be a wonderful salve for your upper back. Yes-Susun Weed drinks comfrey infusions daily..for years and has claimed no problems.. I don't drink it daily but I don't hesitate internal use either. An interesting fact about my comfrey.. Is that I planted them in front of my bee hives. They do love the flowers, but more interesting is that large leaves drapped on the porch of the hives, and my bees actually ate the leaves.. giant leaves were 1/2 eaten. I could taste confrey in the honey, but if you didn't know it, you probably couldn't tell. I had wondered about the medicinal value of the honey - if it was simular to manuka honey. IDK Don't under estimate the power of a castor oil pack with heat for your upper back. It is amazing. You can make a castor oil pack and then put it in a jar and in the fridge and you can use it many times over.. Thanks Heidi.. Nice video..