The 4:6 Pour Over Method - The Best Way To Make Coffee #filtercoffee

Published 2023-10-05
Join us as we dive into the world of the 4:6 Pourover method famed by Tetsu Kasuya, the first Asian Brewers Cup champion. where you'll learn the secrets of perfecting your morning pour over using this iconic and reliable method to manage the flavour profile of your brewed coffee.

00:00 The 4:6 Pour Over Method - The Best Way To Make Coffee
01:13 Summary of the 4:6 Method
01:55 The first 40% of Water Explained
04:02 The last 60% of Water Explained
05:12 Pros of the 4:6 Method
05:48 Common Mistakes in PourOver Coffee
07:38 Conclusion

The 4:6 Pourover Method was developed by Tetsu Kasuya, a highly acclaimed barista and the World Brewers Cup Champion in 2016. Tetsu Kasuya holds the distinction of being the first Asian Brewers Cup champion, solidifying his reputation as a pioneer and innovator in the world of coffee brewing techniques. Kasuya is known for his innovative approaches to coffee brewing and his contributions to the coffee community have significantly impacted the industry.

The 4:6 Pourover Method gained popularity in the specialty coffee community in the mid-2010s, following Tetsu Kasuya's World Brewers Cup victory. It has since become a respected and widely practised coffee brewing technique.

The 4:6 Pourover Method is a unique coffee brewing technique that focuses on controlling the extraction process by dividing the water pouring into multiple stages. It's called "4:6" because it involves a specific ratio: 40% of the total water in the first pour and 60% in the second pour. This method allows baristas to fine-tune the flavor profile of their coffee by adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio and the timing of each pour. It's known for its versatility in highlighting different flavor elements, making it a favorite among coffee enthusiasts.

The 4:6 Pourover Method is practiced in specialty coffee shops and by home baristas worldwide. It doesn't require specialized equipment but benefits from precision and consistency in pouring technique. You can find tutorials, videos, and discussions about this method on coffee forums, social media, and in coffee brewing classes.

*What is the 4:6 Pour Over Method?*
Discover the essence of this method, which empowers you with the ability to create your perfect cup of coffee. Learn how to harness the 4:6 ratio to fine-tune your brew and tailor it to your unique taste preferences.

*Adaptability to Various Pour-Over Drippers*
No matter if you're using a V60, Chemex, Kalita Wave, or any other pour-over device, the 4:6 method adapts gracefully to your equipment. Josh explores the nuances of different pour-over drippers and shows you how to make this method work for you.

*Importance of High-Quality Coffee Beans*
Understand why the choice of coffee beans is a critical factor in achieving that perfect brew. Josh emphasizes the significance of selecting high-quality beans and provides insights into how they can elevate your coffee experience.

*Troubleshooting and Tips for Improvement*
For beginners, we've got you covered! Discover common mistakes and how to avoid them, ensuring your coffee journey starts off on the right foot. As you progress, Josh offers valuable tips to refine your technique and consistently brew exceptional coffee.

*Advanced Techniques and Resources*
If you're eager to take your skills to the next level, explore advanced techniques like temperature profiling. Josh also suggests online coffee communities, apps, workshops, and courses for those who want to dive deeper into the art of coffee brewing.

*Conclusion and Closing Remarks*
Josh wraps up the tutorial by summarizing the key takeaways and inviting you to practice the 4:6 Pour Over Method to enhance your coffee experience. He thanks you for watching and encourages you to like, subscribe, and share your thoughts and questions in the comments section.


All Comments (21)
  • @propertwb
    I’ve seen this technique before but you are the first to truly explain the intricacies in a clear way. Great work!
  • @0whitestone
    I've noticed experimentally the same thing regarding bloom. That's actually why I love my Hario Switch so much, it lets me do a very small Bloom but still wet all the grounds because I can retain the bloom. I'm usually at 17g of coffee to 36g bloom, but i like to see the grounds able to "flow" when swirled instead of being chunky. It's really unlocked some very sweet and delicious cups, it's nice to see that It's not just me using bloom to adjust flavor. My general goal is to have a small boom as possible, but I suppose if you were looking for more acidity then you could certainly increase the bloom to achieve that. Thank you for highlighting this, and gives me a new perspective in my bloom phase!
  • @obiwun32
    Best 4:6 explanation I’ve seen. Thank you. I now use this method daily and love it. 18:300. 40g 80g 90g 90g four pours at about 40sec intervals.
  • @TheMrFulminant
    What a delightful video! It does a fantastic job of explaining the 4:6 brewing method with such clarity, covering both lighter and stronger approaches. The cool montage adds a fun touch, allowing us to see all the techniques simultaneously through a split screen. Thanks a bunch!
  • @sue431
    I have watched numerous Pour Over Methods on youtube and yours was by far the best explanation ever. Thank you for explaining so well.
  • @BenjaminSweetnam
    Love this totally changed my perception on how to brew a interesting cup of coffee. I've been experimenting love it
  • @_Brewn
    Best 40:60 Video out there! really nice with the different Combos!
  • @m.c5390
    Very cool and informative explanation! Thank you for sharing ❤ ☕️
  • @noxnext
    Just watched your Hario switch video before and then came to this one. I like how you explain things and show different pouring methods side by side! Beautiful lighting and slow motions as well! You have a new subscriber! 👍 Greetings from Munich! 🇩🇪🥨☕️😉
  • @shayanfaghihi
    Awesome and super clear explanation ☺ Thanks mate 😎
  • @alleycat2144
    Great video, really well explained. One of my favourite brewing methods, particularly for light-roasted, fruity beans. Really highlights clarity and acidity.
  • @richardford392
    Really good clear explanation. Especially about the difference you get from the first pour volumes. Agree with playing with the water temperature. Reducing the water temperature on my final pour has been a complete game changer for me.
  • @simkool77
    One of your best videos! My pourover technique had some similarities, but I incorporated 4:6 method from your video and my cup has noticeably richer flavor. I have used various brewers, but this 4:6 method made the biggest improvement in my cup. Thank you!
  • @sammarion
    Such a clear presentation. We live in North Carolina and have a niece who lives in Brisbane. If we ever make it to Brisbane, I would LOVE to stop by your place. Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a clear and low-key way.
  • @venturelord3
    Thanks for the clear explanation and showing what each variation of the pour structure is meant to achieve. I imagine this thinking may carry over to other recipes too to some extent. Anyways, this recipe seems very fun. Cheers.
  • @ryanmarcus3304
    This video was super helpful. Can’t wait to implement it on my next brew. Any chance you’d make a video covering broader pour over concepts like you talked about in the beginning of the video such as dose, agitation, etc and how they impact your brew?