Prophecy Update | December 2022 | The Wrath of God - Brett Meador

Published 2022-12-02
While not a popular or pleasant subject, the reality of the coming wrath of God is a crucial topic when seeking to understand the Last Days. In our December 2022 Prophecy Update, we learn what God’s wrath looks like in Nahum 1:1-7, why it is necessary and just, and most importantly, how we can avoid the grave consequences of sin through Jesus Christ.


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00:00 - Teaching Intro
04:45 - Nahum 1:1-6
54:50 - I: God’s Wrath is Just
58:27 - II: God’s Wrath is to be Feared
01:00:13 - III: God’s Wrath is Consistent in the Old and New Testaments
01:03:01 - IV: God’s Wrath Is His Love in Action Against Sin
01:05:25 - V: God’s Wrath is Satisfied in Christ


All Comments (21)
  • God has said that if any two. People agree on touching one thing it shall be done. My brother Rickey doesn't believe in Jesus and I want so much for him to come to Heaven. So if anyone is so inclined Please Pray for my brother Rickey. You can't have too many prayers.😊
  • God has said that if two or more people agree on touching one thing it shall be done. So, at this moment I ask anyone watching this video to join me now in praying that the CCP, and military, and police in China feel compelled to fulfill the will of God and give their fellow citizens Freedom, in the name of Jesus I ask it. Amen.
  • I live in New Zealand and my husband who is is now 73 left me 7 years ago after 47 years of marriage and married his homosexual lover who is now 25 years old. Still trying to come to grips with it. To make things worse he was an Elder in the Church. Thank you Pastor Brett for speaking about these things. Many blessings on your ministry.
  • @Mosteller777
    I brought my family in to join in person last night. We sat right in front of the front camera in the 3rd row. You can actually see me point to the camera in the beginning as I'm talking to my brother. Your church is beautiful! We really enjoyed it and will be joining you from now on. We're all involved in serving other churches but we're going to join you once a month. It was a great family experience.
  • The Spiritual Warfare has been bad... I had no desire to read my Bible, Listen to anything about God and I was very much "talking about God but far away from Him" and I wasn't meeting him in the quiet place and I was NOT resting in the Lord... so you can imagine... just how difficult it is to try and do things WITHOUT God.. and for the past few weeks, I've been saying "Honest to God, knock me out" whilst in severe pain, mental health crisis and woes (but only God would hear me say these things lol). I was just going through it... and last night, I was not feeling too good. Insomnia was bad, feeling icky and not good physically and then I felt the urge to go grab my Bible (it was between 12am-2 am by this time) and the moment I began to read Matthew, I got to the part of the 3 wise men and the gifts they had given Jesus and I pondered that a bit... I thought about the significance in their gifts... and how amazing it was that they could tell from a star the location, had some questions about that...and then to know that Jesus was the true Messiah and King of Israel... but the significance of the gifts? I thought, that's strange... still pondering and IMMEDIATELY, I got knocked out. The spirit was willing to study but the flesh was weak.. it was like the Apostles in the Garden... and I tried to wake up and continue reading but I couldn't. I fell asleep and today, I was reminded of this...Well now I feel like an absolute dork speaking without consideration that God is always listening.. He finally knocked me out, but it was a peace that surpassed all understanding. Too many times, we go to the world seeking comfort, finding none... and now a days, there is no comfort in the world.. but it can only be found in Jesus, The TRUE Prince of Peace, The True King.. and I am so thankful that we have such a loving, patient and understanding high priest. So my message is this... Rest in the Lord. Don't be like me and try to do things on your own, you wont get very far... and don't insult God lol.... Anyway, Thank you for these prophesy updates. God Bless you Pastor Brett and Athey Creek.
  • It is so disheartening to see how the world is trying to desensitize everyone into believing evil acts are normal. I pray for God's people to continually focus on God and His Word and stand strong in faith to be fruitful and obedient. Remember that judgement belongs to the Lord, overcome evil with kindness, persevere, pray continually, seek rightness, and be thankful to God for His protection, peace and blessings.
  • @djm5699
    My favourite book Corrie Tem Boon, The hiding place. She was in a Nazi war camp and never took her eyes off the Lord. What a witness to others.
  • This pastor is such a blessing, speaking truth when so many church leaders stay silent due to ignorance and fear of offending.
  • I watched a video interview of an elderly Jewish woman recalling what happened in Germany in the years preceding the holocaust. She was in her teens at the time. First, they said Jews could not take the bus. So they rode bikes to get to their jobs. Then they were not allowed to have bikes and bikes were taken away from them making it much harder to get to work on time and often they were fired for being late. But still, some of them managed to get to their jobs. Then, they enforced a curfew and Jews could not be on the streets after 6pm. For those who got off work at 5, and had to walk a long way back home, they knew they'd never make it in time. So they had no choice but to give up their jobs. Each time it got harder, but yet there was denial. No one wanted to think that it was because of hatred towards them. Society around them began to believe lies, or intentionally spread fear and hatred towards them. And eventually, we all know what happened next. Author/writer/ Eric Metaxes wrote an incredibly well-researched book about a German Christian Detrick Boenhoffer who tried to influence the church to take action.
  • @tommyc1395
    I found very compelling the listing of five points about the wrath of God where the fifth point was the fact that Jesus takes on the wrath that we deserve. Of course that is absolutely true, but it made me happy because I was expecting yet another point just like the previous four
  • @willielamotte
    Feeling that the Lord is coming soon too Thanks Brett, always enjoy your prophesy updates. Blessings to you and to all of us. May the Holy Spirit blaze on this earth. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Once you have repented, you are no longer subject to the wrath of God. Hello. Jesus carried it on the cross ✝️
  • One of the best teachings I've ever heard and exactly right for the day we're living in, it was a blessing to hear someone speak the God's honest truth!
  • Haha! Whenever people tell me I'm nuts for knowing Paul was right and I'll be raptured before the great tribulation, I always tell them, "ok, stay here. I'll say I told you so in heaven" 😁
  • @jeanalice4732
    It's not sinners but unbelievers who have to be fearful.
  • @princessj446
    I was an educational assistant in an elementary school here in Canada 7 years ago and already back then certain things were being pushed onto the innocent children. 10 years ago I taught in a high school and they had a student on blockers to stop him from being a male. I tried my hardest to talk to him as best I could🙏🏻❤️
  • You're amazing Pastor Brett. Thank you for being a servant & instrument of God. You give me hope. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
  • @KM-zn3lx
    This is weird and timely! I literally emailed Dick Durbin yesterday and told him to repent for voting for the Gay marriage thing and to prepare for the Wrath of God!