Hollow Knight Is A Masterpiece

Published 2021-12-14

All Comments (21)
  • “It really wasn’t hard I just kept choosing the worst time to heal” -A Dark Souls Player in denial.
  • @Skrubenz
    Charlie: Dies over 10 times on a boss. Also Charlie: "Well, that was easy."
  • @poloball23
    I like how dung defender rolls around in poop all day and laughs. This is a clever reference to James Corden.
  • @redriot6631
    Charlie when he sees flukemarm: is this the milf? Confirmed, he's seen mossbag
  • @fireb0rn
    Time to join Speedrunner vs. Hunters. 🙂
  • @Kyotosomo
    This game was made by just three people, insanity, easily my favorite indie game of all time.
  • @GP-jj7zn
    Seeing someone breeze through these bosses makes me realize how much I suck at this game
  • @omgwat
    The hilarious part is how he talks shit about the charm that allows him to heal faster, and proceeds to get shit on by every boss every time he goes to heal. Lmao
  • @RoboticWisp
    Carlie fighting flukemarm and just asking "is this the milf?" is gold
  • @NaruBrilu
    I love how in every single game every single time he's like "this is easy" or "im in the groove now" just immediately dies or gets hit lol
  • @Aurora_Woods
    13:20 the cut to charlie's hair randomly braided is so funny to me. I watched it happen live but it still caught me off guard.
  • @dooderoo2365
    Charlie: dies like 15 times Also Charlie: yeah that was pretty easy.
  • @SewrRat
    Its actually crazy how often this exact scenario happens with this game. I bought it on sale, played it for 45 minutes, got bored, and didn't touch it for like, 8 months. Came back, and then it became my favorite game of all time.
  • @purplejay8030
    41:36 I‘ve never seen someone get bodied THAT hard in Fog Canyon oh my god, that was brutal.
  • @yourtsar824
    I love how each run can be unique in this game, he got the void heart charm before fighting the Watcher Knights which is awesome.
  • Charlie: Dies about 100 times and asks chat multiple times what to get or where to go. Also Charlie: Easiest game I’ve ever played, overhyped.
  • @PrizMatex
    Wow. I never would have thought Charlie would even touch this game. Hollow Knight is truly an amazing game and I'm glad you liked it mate.
  • @krypted_96
    Anyone interested in the lore of hallow knight here's a little tidbit about no eyes at 45:12 they were a great warrior of hallow nest but retired to become a care taker of children. Once the infection started spreading through hallow nest she gouged out the eyes of the children she was looking after and then her own eyes in an effort to prevent them from becoming infected. This worked however without their eyesight they weren't able to protect the children from the infected and they died overcome with guilt they were unable to defend themselves from the infected and fell to them as well Edit: I may be missing a couple pieces of information but as far as I know that's their story
  • @starofaetherius
    Charlie is such an impatient gamer lol I never expected to see him play a metroidvania. But it makes sense he would use the chat to avoid the exploration part if that's not what he is into. Plus the sheer number of times he died just by dashing straight into an enemy...