Microsoft Planner for Beginners Tutorial

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to use Microsoft Planner for beginners. Use Microsoft Planner to plan an event, support customers, publish content, or track a process. Microsoft Planner is available to premium, business, and educational subscribers to Microsoft 365.

Microsoft To Do Tutorial:    • Microsoft Planner for Beginners Tutorial  

Microsoft Planner:
Office 365 Login:

0:00 Introduction
0:41 Where to access Microsoft Planner
2:14 Adding Microsoft Planner to Microsoft Teams
3:51 Creating your first plan
6:01 Add members to your plan
6:59 Create buckets in your plan
8:44 Add and assign a task to a team member
9:27 Customizing your task with more features
12:00 Filter your tasks
13:18 Drag your tasks to a new bucket
13:55 Viewing a team member's Microsoft Planner
15:46 View charts and schedule in Microsoft Planner
16:31 Customize your settings (change background, change plan name)
17:39 View tasks in Microsoft Teams

コメント (21)
  • What about reoccurring tasks? For example a task that needs to be done monthly.
  • @lztoniolo
    Is it possible to copy a Cheklist from other cards, just like in Trello? Thanks!
  • @JN-pw2ff
    Can I use planner to manage my team? I would like to create a hub that shows all the projects/tasks that my team member are working on and also visualize their workload.
  • Do you know if you can recover deleted tasks?? For example, I created a task for someone on my team but they delete it, either on purpose or on accident not realizing it... Don't really care how they did it, more so looking to recover it if possible
  • I have an issue where some users can't create a private task but I can since I'm a 365 admin. What are the requirements for users to enable this?
  • Many thanks for the video. One thing that no one has touched upon in any video that I have seen is where do completed tasks go ? Are they stored somewhere if I need to go look at work done. I was hoping the info would be stored in a SharePoint List
  • @annab6948
    Hi TT! Remember me asking about a tool for planning tests for the whole school? I believe this is your answer. I took a long and good look at it, and have just one question: if I create the Planner for my school, can everybody in the group (in this case, all my colleagues) add "tasks" (which will be those test dates etc.)? Or is it only the owner (myself) who can do it?
  • Can I assign a task to a vendor for example someone who is not a part of my company?
  • How did you get the option to create a PRIVATE plan? Is this something my admin can set up?
  • I as a owner will assign task to employees, can he or she delete tasks? if yes will i get a notification that the task is deleted?
  • When I open Planner I get a popup telling me a number of tasks have changed. How can I see which are the tasks that have changed? There is no indication on the cards, like a label or a change in color. It makes it really difficult to follow the activity.
  • No straightforward way to create a task in planner from an outlook desktop email. Also notifications of task update aren't consistent.