EFAP TV: Reacting to The Acolyte S01E02 - Revenge/Justice

Published 2024-06-10
The journey continues as the investigation leads to the death of another Jedi Master.

Our characters ONLY make the best decisions, again and again.

Edited by Fringy

All Comments (21)
  • Let's take a moment to recognize the unofficial sponsor of this channel. Disney has poured billions of dollars into EFAP production.
  • @skikkedoo
    I love how the first thing Occupational Safety and Health Administration does when finding a dead person with a vial next to them is to SNIFF the vial.
  • @vskane
    "Look at this fat fucking Jedi" might be the best delivered line ever spoken on YouTube. Ryan perfectly evokes his disappointment and utter contempt of the portrayal of the Galaxy's peak of mental and physical discipline.
  • @eddobh
    Smilo-Ren hanging out around the beach: "what's that? a quarter!?" [ignites the red light-saber] "sweet!"
  • @AugusCrafting
    Suddenly, taxation disputes in Naboo doesn't sound boring after all
  • @andrews4717
    How did the dust work? The first thing they learn in Jedi school is how to fight blinded. The fucking helmet and laser ball they all use
  • Day Five of living with the Jedi: Such a strange people. They’ve already handed me a Force-proof blaster they called “The Jedi Killer.” I didn’t even ask for it; they just said it would be beneficial for my spiritual growth or something. I sometimes wonder how these people lasted for thousands of years…
  • @Hirome_Satou
    Remember how Qui-Gon Jinn was supposed to be the first to see a red lightsaber in 1000 years and how the Sith had remained secret until the prequel series? How much do we wanna bet that they don't follow that bit of canon?
  • @Anxomaxo
    I find funny that the show wants to portray the evil twin as a martial artist and morally grey, when in the world of martial arts, the use of poison is considered an act of one who is too cowardly and dishonorable to fight.
  • @bigprobllama
    I feel sorry for Torbin. He was too old to die at such a young age...
  • @silastipton9982
    They really wanna hype up the acolyte as if she’s a really cool character when she is just a clown person
  • This is “peak Star Wars” like a road bump is a peak in Kansas and Nebraska.
  • @Dave_L913
    "Would you like me to investigate, or bring OSHA back to Coruscant?" Oh, so NOW it takes time to travel somewhere. Last episode they made several round trips across the galaxy in a day. Traveling at the speed of the plot.
  • @chriscross8547
    Evil twin: "Attack me with all your might." Force chokes the life out of her Credits theme
  • @nobody2996
    Funny how this jedi can be so much at peace and at one with himself that he can mediate in the same spot for ten years and defend himself from any direct attacks without having to move or break concentration, but he's also so crippled with self-loathing, guilt and doubt that Mae just saying 'Kill yourself' once was enough to get him to drink poison. Star Wars writers seem to constantly forget that use of the force is about the state of the users mind. That's why the dark side is so corruptive, because you need to put yourself in a sadistic and selfish mindset to draw upon it. You can't be pulling off crazy zen shit like this if your mental state is this fragile and shaken.
  • @neil5458
    I think it was a really intelligent idea to leave Master Torbin, the target of a failed assassination attempt, in a room by himself with an unguarded opening to the outside. I'm sure he'll be fine in his bubble.
  • @erintrout7297
    Pointed out identifying tattoo means bad twin is definitely gonna try to pass as good twin later…so original
  • @Tentumon111
    "I must kill this wookie without a weapon!" Wookie disarms her "Good luck with that."