candling a Robin's egg!!!

candling a Robin's egg! My cousin Nick found a Robin's egg in the yard and we will see what's inside!

コメント (21)
  • thanks for the channel I can now hatch a little robin egg in my yard
  • I just found a Robins nest with 4 eggs inside of a wall while doing a renovation so I clicked on this video for some research.... first thing I noticed was your sweatshirt.... the renovation I'm doing is in TIPP HILL! Cool coincidence
  • @VivaMarie
    I have a small sparrow egg and I candled it. However I'm only using a flashlight because there's not an actual candling thing available. I can see veins, but it's hard to tell what else is there. I've been using a heating pad and setting it in some cotton balls on the heating pad. It's in a clear box. I put a glass of water in there with it, and I have a light shining on the box from the outside. I'm also using a bunched up fuzzy sock to set on top of the egg, as a replacement mother. I honestly don't know if it's 100 degrees F, but I'm hoping by having the heating pad on high and the light shining on it that it will be warm enough, plus the cotton nest and the sock.
  • I was wondering if it hatched? I’m trying to figure out how long I should wait before I feed this baby wild bird that I just hatched. I’m not positive I think it’s some Sort of finch perhaps even a cardinal. It is already begging for food but I keep reading that you should wait 6 to 8 hours. Was wondering what your experience was
  • I found a robin’s egg intact and I have been warming it with a 40w bulb. I googled it and that is what it said to do. I am not sure if it’s alive or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Hey my egg is still very young I found it yesterday I have been keeping it warm I don’t have an incubator but I put the egg in a fuzzy sock on top of a heating pad there are 3 little very little bubble like things beside the yoke it moves with the yoke too what does that mean is it dead?
  • I have a question. I found a robin egg but i dont see a yolk. It was also cold when I found it. I don't see any veins. Is it alive?
  • I just found a Robin’s egg, uncracked, and have struggled to see where it could have fallen from, but remain clueless. The Robins all fly into the woods. It is as if the egg was laid on the grass. The trees are so tall with no low branches, it would gave broken…I see the dark dot, surrounding sac or embryo, and air pocket. Trying to jeep it warm, humid in damp paper towel, light above, grassy fake nest below…and I am turning. Will there be a blood ring like chicken eggs if it is not viable, and do you know how long does that take?
  • I HAVE THE SAME THING LIKE BRO NO VEINS BUT A. SINGLE YOLK I found it an my cousin's house I thought it was a Easter egg
  • When the center of the yolk stuff is dark thats a sign its alive i know since i raised a robin myself lol
  • What it candling? I found on what eles can I do for heat source if I don’t have reptiles
  • @sg-ln3hu
    I’m so happy I found this video. My robin egg looks like this but it has a dark dot in the middle. Is it ok?
  • I just found an egg that looks exactly like this!! I don’t have any kind of resources to care for it but I don’t wanna just let it die, any advice??
  • @jade263
    Did it hatch I found one like this
  • Mine looks like this aswell(but it’s like half an inch smaller
  • I found an in tact robin egg with no nest in sight and I made an artificial nest with a lamp on it around 100 degrees any other tips to keep my baby bird going