Beatles accept award Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions 1988

Publicado 2010-01-28
The Beatles accept Hall of Fame awards at the 1988 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. Click to view induction ceremony videos, official Hall of Fame bio, gallery images and more:

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @mjanovec
    You can sense the weight on George's shoulders here to represent the group. John was dead, Paul didn't show up, and Ringo had a few too many it was up to George to be the spokesman for the group.
  • @clokey4562
    "I don't have to say much because im the quiet Beatle." gives a 4 minute speech
  • @bearcb
    Sean: “I’m proud of being here today for doing nothing “ He’s got his father’s humor 😂
  • @sminy550
    George responding to Ringo’s drunk question about Octopus’s Garden with “We’ll talk about that later” is such a wonderful line
  • @JakobSeidl
    I can’t describe in words how much I absolutely love and respect George Harrison. He was one of the best humans who walked the earth.
  • George going from the one who wasn't listened to, to the one who had to pick up the pieces. So much respect for that man.
  • @Byrdmaniac
    "It's wonderful to be here, it's certainly a thrill". This is why I love George!
  • @tunamlithobid
    ""I dont have to say much cus I'm the quiet Beatle"....George just made my day
  • @earljohnson50
    Ringo actually had to go to AA later that year. The man was permanently blacked out for like 25 years. So glad he is alive and well today at 80. Can’t speak enough on my admiration for George Harrison. Most underrated Beatle and was a genius in his own right.
  • @wetwilIy
    2:15 "It's hard really to stand here, supposedly representing The Beatles. Uh, its what's left, I'm afraid." That made my ears prick up, hearing George say that. We all knew that when John died, The Beatles were gone, but hearing George stand alone saying that the group was but a fragment of itself broke my heart. We all love you George, and we hope that you found John up there and you two are writing some kick-ass jams.
  • @alskndlaskndal
    George was a real class act. What a heartfelt, honest, humble, and funny speech.
  • @hannahg8439
    For the first few seconds I was so confused, seeing John standing in the back, until I realized it was Julian.
  • The quiet Beatle, having the responsibility of making an acceptance speech of this enormity. An impossible task. I remember watching in anticipation of hearing monumental words to sum up the monumental career of the Beatles. George took the anticipation down a few notches, by making me realize that the Band was just as human as the rest of us, but with some extraordinary talents. His humble words matched his personality. Warm and genuine.
  • @VitalityMassage
    Everyone was so genuine and perfect including Yoko. It's unfortunate that Paul wasn't there and of course John.
  • George: "It's hard really to stand here supposedly representing the Beatles.....what's left I'm we loved [John] very much and we all love Paul very much." RIP My Sweet George 💖
  • @l0serrr.r
    1:42 When he says "I'm the quiet Beatle", that literally changed George's attitude. He literally remembers them together.
  • @greysoncat6036
    Ringo is freaking plastered here, I'm glad he was able to get clean afterwards. And while it's shame that Paul wasn't there, George's speech really shines and you can really see how grateful he is. I'm also glad that Yoko, Julian, and Sean were able to speak for John. While it's true that Lennon wasn't a perfect person, he was clearly missed at this ceremony and he is still dearly missed today. Those four lads built a band that will always be dear to me and I'm glad that they received this honor when they did.
  • @jordanraney3681
    "It's wonderful to be here, it's certainly a thrill" had me dying