Let’s have some “real talk”.....

Published 2021-03-07
Called President Joe Biden to talk teacher assessment

All Comments (21)
  • Sadly, it's all about the money. NOT the students. TEST PUBLISHERS MUST GET THEIR $$$$$🤯
  • @musicborders
    The Principal with Principles!!!! Love all your wisdom and humor!!!!
  • @AGDinCA
    "Same circus, different clowns" My new favorite Gerry-ism!
  • @teresaross4565
    "Same circus, different clowns". In a year where so much instructional time was wasted, they want to waste more time. 🙄
  • @jc22358
    Hell, fix the roof so the kids don't have to walk around buckets when it rains.
  • @PhotogWannabe23
    AMEN!!!!!!! When my son was in elementary and middle school we refused to let him take the Georgia Milestone Test. Of course, they want to threaten you with retention, etc. NOPE! As long as your child is passing, they cannot do a thing!! He has NEVER take the GMAS and he is now in 10th grade. It isn't fair for the students OR the teachers!!
  • @lkmary1
    We need to be calling our legislators about this.
  • Absolutely correct, and don’t forget the stress on kids and teachers, because it’s a given that lots of kids aren’t going to do well, because they haven’t been able to fully cover the curriculum. We already know this. Why waste the time and energy on this, when we know the results already? Some kids are going to cheat, some kids are going to tank, and the time could be better spent teaching right to the finish line.
  • @winonalieux6728
    Amen, Gerry! I know I heard it somewhere else before: If a monkey, an elephant, and a fish are all tested on how well they can climb a tree... some are never going to be able. Standardized testing is a ludicrous waste of time and $. Teach the kids, not the test. Joe, ask Dr. Jill if a librarian would give the same book to every kid to read at home!
  • @nualaseamus
    THIS!!! Share this with everyone - senators, reps, friends, family. THIS is so true in EVERY state. No matter how you look at this situation, the data will be invalid. Spend the money on the KIDS, not the tests.
  • Correct! Students should not be assessed at this time. This is common sense and should be at this point. Wow!!!!
  • @PamperedMama22
    Gerry Brooks for Secretary of Ed!! We'd all be so much better off with you at the lead.
  • Amen! I just wish everyone would listen to Gerry's voice of reason!!
  • @lindakluth5611
    Absolutely a waste of time and money to test them. Since last March they have only been back at school a short time. Some still aren't back. Also teachers don't need more meetings.
  • @kidavis7024
    I love the truth coming out through your comedy!
  • @Sarcasm1855
    As a para, I'd gladly take a raise and new playground equipment for our prek kiddos!!
  • So funny and so true. Not much has changed since I had to stop teaching in 2016. It’s always about numbers and never about children. I also loved when you said teachers know how to assess. My goodness, yes, do. And it’s too bad the state assessments are never useful to teachers or helpful to students. The only thing I see them being good for is stressing everyone out.
  • Praise God for someone with common sense!!!! Invalid is the understatement of the century!!!