Why rest doesn't fix Osteitis Pubis

Published 2022-12-12
This video discusses why resting only provides a temporary relief from OP pain, as opposed to permanent solution.

If you want more content about what OP is please check out my webpage: www.theopclinic.com

Alternatively if you are looking to book in for an initial consult/assessment please click here: opclinic.as.me/?appointmentType=8397966

Please understand that due to my work load etc. I dont check the comments/answer questions in the youtube comments section :)

All Comments (8)
  • What would you recommend when the OP is a result of tears to the rectus ab and adductors (sports hernia)? I'm asking just for those who've yet to fix any muscle tears.
  • @ScottishGuy1980
    Note...every comment is ignored apart from appointment bookings. There are far more helpful videos on here
  • @seanrp5587
    I got a serial belt around my waist and it fixed it for the time being
  • @davidktd
    I’ve got osteitis pubis with a fracture. Next step is bisphosphonate IV.
  • @jagaur9577
    Please how do I book an initial consult?