My Biggest Wargaming Regrets

Uncle Atom has been wargaming for awhile now, and wants to share his wargaming regrets with you so you don't make the same mistakes that he did.

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コメント (21)
  • @_Inferis
    My regret is not documenting paint schemes, then discovering I can't replicate it exactly.
  • My biggest regret was being too anxious to paint my mini’s because I thought i’d mess them up. Remember that this hobby is meant to be enjoyed! Don’t try so hard and enjoy your new models.
  • If I get into a new game, I always ALWAYS make terrain first. There is nothing better for motivating painting your guys than having a scene to set them up in when they're done,
  • @funguy398
    My biggest regret is procrastination. Not painting miniatures because you are not good at painting, or buying a lot of boxes and build none.
  • My regret is having not finding out about this wonderful hobby till the age of thirty.
  • My regret is waiting as long as I did to get back into miniature games! Used to play in my teens but quit in college, now in my 30s I started again this year and loving it once again!
  • My regret is buying too much for too many games too fast and not being able to get it all painted.
  • Regrets: Not painting what I allready have! Im always behind. Shiny new model syndrome! Never be satisfied with the paint job and call it done to move on! Waiting too long to get some models, they went out of production...
  • My biggest regret with table top games was when I first started playing I was "That guy" that was a really big learning curve. I learned the awesome part of the game for me was not winning but learning about my fellow players and how they played and what they wanted from the game. In the end I now play new players and teach them how not to be "That guy".
  • Never sell your Stuff I am still missing my 3rd Edition Legion of the Damned style Space Marines 😥
  • Buying way too many miniatures. Biggest piece of advice I can give is to just buy one thing or one kit at a time, build it, paint it and then reward yourself by purchasing something else and repeat the process. Good lord do I wish I could go back in time and actually follow that guideline.
  • My biggest regret is that I just stopped playing, collecting and participating in war gaming/rpgs in my mid twenties. I’m 45 now, I started playing and painting again about 3yrs ago. I found my love for the hobby again. Maybe it was the friends, girlfriend, work, lack of gaming groups in my area, and the social stigma at the time surrounding the hobby that put me off. Never again!
  • My regret is choosing skeleton hoards. I now have a panic attack every time i see bone or a pot of zandri dust
  • I think my biggest regret is buying into a game because I like it. (Emphasis on the "I"). I have minis for a couple of games, but I don't have opponents for them, and I got them because I thought the minis would be cool, or I liked the ruleset. Without another player though, there's not much point. My other regret would be starting a 40k army because it "looked cool". *cough-tau-cough". What I should have done was watched more batreps and put a lot more thought into my play-style, then combine that or weigh it against aesthetics. It would have saved me a LOT of money in the long run.
  • I was first introduced to miniatures as a teenager, when a friend gave me a painted one for my birthday. I thought it was amazing, but I also thought "I could never paint like that." Fast forward 20 some years and I finally tried painting for the first time. My biggest regret is the 20 years I spent not painting because I thought it looked too hard.
  • Wow, I feel old! When I first got into wargaming Tau didn't exist yet. When I stopped wargaming Tau didn't exist yet.
  • I, Engineer Jeff, endorse this message. Be careful what you wish for when pledging a Kickstarter/Indigogo. That pile of minis won't paint itself.
  • I regret becoming enamoured with eBay and putting loads of stuff on my watch list that happens to be a great deal. I've bought far too much stuff for my liking.
  • @karl8safc
    This video (and the comments) has just stopped me buying more models. I'm new to the hobby and still have plenty to paint - got to keep to one project at a time!
  • Allowing the pursuit of perfection to become the enemy of ‘good enough’ Hobby adhd - flitting to chase the latest, shiny things Definitely selling old armies Wasting money on unbuilt hobby mountain I.e. the usual regrets for anyone who has been wargaming for 30 years plus :)