Understanding Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a neurological condition that affects the brain and other parts of the nervous system. The gradual loss of nerve cells leads to a suite of characteristic motor and non-motor symptoms. What causes these cells to die and how the pathology develops in the nervous system are not yet clear but multiple lines of investigation are being pursued to answer these questions. In this animation, we explore some of the latest in Parkinson's disease research.

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Correction 16 Dec 2019 : This video has been re-uploaded due to an error in the previously published version. The previous upload did not contain the correct logos in the opening and closing sequences. We apologise for any confusion caused.

コメント (21)
  • Correction 16 Dec 2019 : This video has been re-uploaded due to an error in the previously published version. The previous upload did not contain the correct logos in the opening and closing sequences. We apologise for any confusion caused.
  • my father past away a week ago. he diagnosed with pd since he was 40. the most heartbreaking thing i saw in life is to see him deteriorating so badly that he couldn't walk without falling every few minutes and could not talk properly until no one could understand him And he could not control his jaw and would drool endlessly.even though he became a shell of his former self he never complained. he fought through everything. He fought to live another day.he was so strong but the combination of pd and covid 19 that he got in nursing home was too much.. he even overcame covid after 2 weeks which he was sedated and ventilated.He recovered but got pneumonia and a hole in his lung.and he couldn't fight anymore.he was a true hero.i'm so sad. he suffered so much.he didn't saw anything good in his life just fought to survive.r.i.p. father. i will carry on your legacy to hold on to life and fight everything and never surrender
  • @black1582
    Thank you for making this video, I’ve been watching videos about how Parkinson’s works for over an hour and this one blew the other’s away by leaps and bounds. This may be the best video about Parkinson’s on YouTube, it’s the best I’ve seen, by far.
  • My father has PD dementia. He is 85. Has slowly been going down hill for years (especially the past 10 years). The falls. The ER visits. Still Dad fought through it all. Still lived on his own and still relatively independent. Seven weeks ago he got covid. He was absolutely destroyed...wiped out. He recovered. However, as in any health care episode encountered (especially the past 4-5 years) he rebounds...BUT never to the level he was at before the event. Today, it's like he fell off a cliff both mentally and physically. A STEEP decline from which there is no recovery. 24/7 skilled nursing/hospice care. Now hospital bed and wheelchair bound. We are combining hospice & palliative care. Keep him as comfortable as possible while dies. We all die but this is nor way to go out. PD is one of the more horrific ways to "shuffle off this mortal coil"! pray he doesnt last more than a few months.
  • Muhammad Ali: Do you know what its like.. to have your body betray you?!
  • My mom's dad has it... god bless him 😭😭🙏🙏 It is sad to see him shake and staying in the same position everyday and needing someone to help him stand......
  • My grandma was diagnosed with this a few years ago, and I only learned it was worsening now. I worry a lot for her, and I can’t see her since she is across the country and the pandemic. I’m learning some music she loves on my saxophone, and I hope it will cheer her up and help with her recovery or at least bring her solace because she may be developing dementia
  • that background music is a proof that good conscience can keep Science peacefully :)
  • Oh boy, this is the best video on Parkinson's for the lay audience I've ever seen!
  • I quickly came here to find out the naming of this disease when I saw how Mohamed Ali died😪😪
  • Thank you very much. This video is also very useful for Indonesians, Filipinos, and Vietnamese who are aiming for the national examination. Parkinson's disease is often asked in the exam, so if I understand the points, I can score.