50 Ways to Die in Minecraft - Part 11

This is the 11th regular installment of my series of Minecraft comedy montages. This one's not in the top 3, but I like it better than parts 8 and 9. I made it at the same time as part 10, but I didn't quite finish it in time to release it during the late November/early December window, so I had to wait until summer.

My favorites from this one include the stone cutter part, the pillager captain meeting, the comment geyser, the hero of the village scene, the part with the giant magnet, the AAA games joke, and the part where the guy builds scaffolding up into space. The scaffolding in space scene is not my most clever joke, but it's probably the most high-brow joke I've ever made.

The guy who saves that village is named Sgt. Grunt. He's a character I came up with way back in early 2017 who was going to narrate a tutorial I made for a device I invented in Minecraft, but I decided not to finish making the tutorial because it was taking a really long time to make, it didn't seem like a lot of people would actually watch it, and it wasn't living up to my own expectations. Plus, the device kept getting broken by Minecraft updates that kept coming out while I was still making the tutorial.

This video isn't Sgt. Grunt's first appearance, though. If you look really carefully, you can see him in mission control in the Saturn V launch scene in Part 5 when the camera is facing away from the computers. He's the furthest to the right in the back row. You can only see the top of his head.

A lot of people have pointed out to me that you don't take fall damage when inside a boat. Believe it or not, you actually can, but only if you fall a specific distance. I believe it's either 49 or 50 blocks. Anyway, the joke itself doesn't really work anymore because they updated boats to be sturdier. I think I originally came up with the boat joke because someone on Hermitcraft built a boat launcher transportation system, but then someone else tried it out and missed the receiving end because they moved ever so slightly while they were in the air. This was before the boat update, so they took fall damage from it. I don't remember who it was. I thought it was Tango Tek, but I couldn't find the video where it happened. All I know for sure is that it definitely happened during the Amplified season.

Originally, I wanted to add the film score of the stampede scene from Disney's The Lion King to the jeans stampede scene, but I didn't want to get a copyright claim, so I didn't even try. The Dailymotion version of the video has the score though, and it also has a version of Cha-La Head Cha-La from Dragon Ball Z in the intro. The Dailymotion version doesn't have the extra clips at the end, so this is the first video where the Dailymotion version isn't the definitive version.

For the AAA games joke, I wanted to find a picture of Donald Trump from his days in The Apprentice, but I couldn't find one at the angle I needed. Not that I looked that hard, but there were many more pictures taken of him during his presidency to work with.

I made the joke with the comment geyser to try to explain why I spelled the title wrong in the fairy tale video. I was hoping it would stop those comments from coming. It didn't work. You might be wondering why I spelled the word correctly in the title of this video. For whatever reason, YouTube is cool with that word in the title of this video, but not every video.

#Minecraft #50WtDiM #Comedy

コメント (21)
  • Jake:"Using a cart launcher transportation system" Also jake: uses boat
  • Death 60: Viewer: Hey, there were only 59 deaths! Jake: You’re right, we should probably add one more. Also Jake: [dies] Needless repetition.
  • 5:44 Jeez, that builder is fast. He traveled from the Andromeda galaxy to earth in less than a minute
  • -Hey, tnt warehouses jokes are overused, what should we replace it? Jake eyes: sCafoLdIngs jokEs.
  • Optical channel: Hey there weren’t 60 there were only 59 Snakethejake: that’s right we need one more Optical channel : gasp 60: déjà vu
  • @cstan8345
    Uh, i don't know if you missed this. But its actually spelled "dye"
  • Being subscribed to jake is completely forgetting about him, then him uploading and you remembering his existence and being pleasantly surprised
  • Other people when they need to stretch a vid to 10 mins "Thanks to Lords of ShadowShare Audible VPN for sponsoring this video" Jake when he needs to stretch a vid to 10 mins: Here is bonus content made entirely without any cut corners.
  • With the new Nether Update, he's gonna offer us a "50 ways to die in The Nether."
  • I watched this on dailymotion and I think the scafilding joke is going to be The new tnt warehouse
  • Everybody gangsta till jake eyes does over 650 ways to die in minecraft. ABSOLUTE mad lad
  • Jake Eyes: Exists YouTube: And I took that personally.
  • Not seeing many comments appreciating Jake's work so here's mine: Thank you Jake for continuing this wonderful series after so many years! I especially enjoyed watching your very first 50 Ways to Die video when I was bored at home one day. Thank you and your team for putting effort to give out this entertainment to us for FREE! Cheers and keep up the videos dude <3
  • 8:28: Everything the construction workers used to break their fall: (in order of landing) Water Boat Slime block Elytra Diamond Boots (Enchanted with Feather Falling) Ender Pearl throw to the ground Slow Falling potion Is Cat Cobweb Ladder Hay Bale Minecart