Publicado 2018-03-22
Meet the top 7 largest great white sharks found so far. The great white shark is imposing and dangerous, and some can also be giants.
It happened on May 14, 1997 in Hualien County in Taiwan, when a large white was caught in a net game precisely in Seven Star Lake.

In 2013, the images of this great white shark became viral all over the world. Therefore, because of its popularity, you should know that it is one of the largest specimens ever seen.


The legend of a monster submerged in its waters was revealed as a gigantic 21 feet long white shark. Truly impressive!

On a hot summer day in early August of 1983, Alberton native David McKendrick, along with his younger brother Steven and his crew, fished near the coast of Prince Edward Island in Canada. Suddenly, 12 miles from the beach, the nets began to stir as if someone were trying to get fish out. A huge shark was stranded there.

In April 2012, two commercial fishermen named Guadalupe and Baltazar entered the Sea of ​​Cortez in search of what they normally caught, such as sole or other types of fish. What they never imagined was that they would encounter a huge shark off the coast of the state of Sonora, northwest of Mexico.

The great white shark, also known as the "great white pointer", is responsible for the majority of sharks attacks recorded against humans.

#sharks #whiteshark #trendmax

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @a.d.7117
    That’s crazy that the shark deep blue has been swimming around since the 1960s!! That’s incredible
  • @bricehinton799
    The Bull shark is actually the largest-numbered killer of the seas and rivers.
  • @kristyolivas418
    What trips me out is the momentum they build up to fly out of the water and make cartwheels for their prey.
  • @dayday685
    Who else knew it was click bate but still clicked
  • @mcole442
    Anything on this earth that's been around for hundreds of millions of years ain't no mistake......🤔
  • @ItsMe-yv9jd
    Not sure what's more ridiculous... The creepy robot voiceover, or the mix of random unrelated video clips and photos.
  • @simonfoster6680
    The sad thing about this video is all but one of these great specimens either died or got killed.
  • @terrydunnett
    'Deep Blue' has since been filmed and confirmed in Hawaii 2019 and was estimated to be 20.5 feet by comparing it the the diver swimming beside it while she was feasting on a dead whale 8 miles from shore. I think if you are game enough to swim beside one of these amazing animals you probably won't notice if it is 20 or 22 feet long. The mention that she was pregnant was not scientifically confirmed as being well fed can produce the same look.
  • @steeldriver1776
    "Sea lions are like donuts, you can't have just one" - Shark Tzu
  • @Funkymonkey313
    Anyone else a bit annoyed they got killed… bloody people ruining things as usual
  • @alexvohland4526
    it's actually just not the most "ferocious killer" like you say, it's extremely common for people to think so because of their reputation. The bull shark and tiger shark are much more aggressive species and bull sharks can even live in salt or fresh water. Great white sharks are now critically endangered creatures. Gotta love the world.
  • @dave7mmhunter105
    The man said that Great White Sharks were an error of GOD , he just lives to kill thats all . If GOD made an error it was him not the shark.
  • @wm9355
    I know I am a hypocrite given I eat fish and meat, but I hate to see sharks hanging up dead on a quayside. They are such magnificent animals and look so much better alive and in the water, and I feel this all the more so since my own cool shark experience that I will share below (to be honest I take any and every opportunity to tell people (or to bore them with) my shark story, so here goes... I have a 27ft sailing yacht that I took from the UK across the Atlantic to the States a few years ago. It was something I had always wanted to do but never thought I would as there was always more reasons I couldn't, than why I could. Fortunately, I then happened to meet Mel, who became my girlfriend (now ex, however). Mel was an American marine biologist and one day when we were sitting on my boat at the yacht station in Oulton Broad (I'm sure she only wanted me for my magnificent vessel - sorry, that's a rubbish attempt at a penis size joke!), I said as a throw away comment really, that we should spend a few months on the boat and maybe cross the Atlantic to her homeland (although she was from Washington State, so still a fair few miles and an entire continent's width from her actual home). Rather than just getting the expected sigh and shake of the head that wives and girlfriends across the world have mastered in response their other halves 'brilliant' ideas, Mel jumped at the chance and began planning our voyage with a level of excitement only Americans can truly muster! It was was early March when we made the decision and we set off in June (the 12th to be precise). Skipping forward, we found ourselves about 15 miles off the east coat of the US, in beautiful weather and following the most amazing (and at times the scariest) journey I have ever made in my life. We were making way (under motor, not sail at this particular time) holding around a steady(ish) 4 to 5 kts when the dorsal fin of a white shark broke the surface, followed by the rest of the shark swimming alongside us. As I said, I was fortunate in that Mel was a marine biologist and whilst not a shark expert, she was able to confirm it was a white shark (this was despite my initial expert comment of, 'look honey, it's a whale' - in my defence, I was very tired and didn't have my glasses on...). Now, I appreciate the water can distort things (and the fact my heart was beating at approximately two million bpm!), but I would swear that this amazing creature was not much shorter than the length of my boat (I know it wasn't 27ft before people start with the replies). This beautiful apex predator stayed with us for an almost solid fifteen minutes. We managed to get some video and pictures (sadly these went with my ex when we split), and she sent these to various colleagues around the world for their opinions, and the general consensus was that it was indeed a VERY large white shark. I think that by comparing it to my boat it was definitely 20ft+ in length but what really got me, was that it was really, really fat (Mel wondered if it was pregnant). I wish we could have been more accurate in gauging its size but for me, it was amazing just to see it. I never thought that I would get to see a great white and it's a privilege that will stay with me for life. Oh and also, on the way out from UK, we were lucky enough to see a couple of basking sharks just off Cornwall and as amazing as these are (and they truly are amazing!), I've seen them a few times before and honestly, I don't think much will beat seeing that enormous, beautiful great white gliding along next to my piddly little boat - it's amazing just how small a boat can feel when next to something so big and so full of teeth! PS, Vic Hislop (the shark hunter bloke) controversial? Yes. Wanker? Absolutely, totally and massively.
  • Magnificent creations. They deserve the utmost in respect. We as humans are so humbled by these beautiful creatures.
  • @jacobmora5811
    If he would’ve waited a year he would see what deep blue looks like now and she would probably be first
  • @BoxerRick
    Actually the Oceanic Whitetip Shark is responsible for most attacks. It’s been called the shipwreck shark as it’s seen most in deeper colder waters than most sharks. The Tiger, Mako and great white White are probably more aggressive.
  • @waterbird91
    Deep Blue is a beauty. Respect the beauty.
  • Hooper...`it`s a 20 footer. Quint.....`it`s a 25 footer all 3 ton of him`. My favourite movie of all time!