2X ECC82 Valve Stereo Amplifier Thanks to Ange Rivers YSP for allowing!

Published 2020-07-07
COPYRIGHT HOLDER PERMISSION GRANTED!!!! Our last upload was about sharpening saw blades and, must admit, weren't particularly interesting and dull unless the viewer is interested in sharpening saws. This one however, should have a wider appeal since it contains a song from the album Women Are Stoned by Yeah Saint Paul, aka: Ange Rivers. This vinyl album really has a tendency to grow on you. Upon initial hearing Hooves thought it was good but the best music seems to improve upon repeated listening. It really is worth a purchase! Here's the link:


Ange very kindly allowed the Hooves to play one track of my choice from this album for the purposes of demonstrating Frunt Hooves latest build: a 1 watt per channel valve stereo amplifier for general use such as vinyl amplification, cassette and similar. The amp consists of two Mullard ECC82s in class A bias. Oddly, (and Hooves could hardly believe it) an ECC82 doesn't have sufficient input impedance for the purposes of using a 1M potentiometer as a volume control: comments on this are very welcome. The 2nd triode used as an output has a very slight overload. The maximum plate/anode current through an ECC82 is supposed to be 10.5mA although in this design, Hooves are pushing 12mA through careful adjustment of the cathode resistors. Most valves don't really mind being overdriven a bit, to squeeze a bit more power out of them and in this event, only by a small amount. The amp isn't fully finished. Still to do is an input selector and a top cut control. Bass control is ignored as a consequence of simplicity. Hooves feels obliged to mention that this circuit design derives the HT+ for the anodes directly from the mains. This is safe as long as an isolation transformer, such as a modified bathroom shaver socket one as in this example, is employed. The amplifier will run directly from the mains but any potential competent constructor should be aware of the slightly enhanced risk. Thank you for your view. (o:

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