The Social Dilemma : Sam Vaknin on the TRUE toxicity of social media revealed

Published 2018-11-18

All Comments (21)
    0:00 Signaling Enhances Anxiety 1:38 Self-Limiting Stage Of Social Media 4:34 Who Created Social Media And Why 9:53 How Social Media Uses Negative Emotions 14:13 Social Media Is Built For Hatred And Aggression 19:10 Social Media Encourages Toxic Behavior 21:11 Why Did Social Media Choose Networks As A Model? 26:57 What Will Happen To People Who Keep On Using Social Media? 31:11 Social Media Addicts Are Much Like Zombies 35:08 Social Media Is The Most Anti-Social Invention 37:30 The Reason Why Homosexuality Might Triple In The Nearest Future 43:00 Social Media Encourages Very Infantile Binary State 44:49 If There Were A Drug That Would Have Created The Same Effects, It Would Be Already Banned 48:25 The Most Terrifying Thing For People Is Being Ostracized 51:30 Social Media Forces You To Behave Narcissistically 56:16 Social Media Is Conditioning And That Why People Use It Although It Makes Them Feel Bad 58:55 The Digital Natives Are More Susceptible And Vulnerable Part 1 1:03:59 The Digital Natives Are More Susceptible And Vulnerable Part 2 1:07:16 Social Media Is The World For Digital Natives 1:12:19 Why Does Social Media Encourage The Lack Of Intimacy? Part 1 1:18:32 Why Does Social Media Encourage The Lack Of Intimacy? Part 2 1:21:36 Is Love, Community, Intimacy An Antidote To The Virus? 1:25:51 Why Social Media Is Not Real Communication 1:28:13 Real Communication In The Age Of Social Media 1:31:43 The End
  • @andowalsh
    when a Doctor asks a patient if they smoke or drink regarding their personal health habits, using social media should be added..
  • @MrsBonfire
    'Social media forces you to deny...aspects of you and deny your identity.' Bang on. Likes for banality.
  • @jan050375
    i've been off of social media for a while now, life is so much less stressful.
  • The people who are saying this guy is wrong... go hang out with a 16 yr old for a day and come back.
  • @cheekoandtheman
    I feel so much better I don’t use Facebook but what’s still depressing is being surrounded by social media addicts
  • @diatonicjon
    Love, true connectedness and relationships are a threat to social media.
  • I felt very emotional watching this, especially towards the end about intimacy/love being the enemy of social media etc., the relief to hear someone else speak the words that have been whirling around in my head for so long is something I feel very grateful for. I'm 22 and have tried at various times in my life to maintain social media accounts but haven't been able to, which has always instilled a sense of failure and insecurity, that there's something wrong with me while everyone else seems to have no problem with it, but deep down I have always seen it in this way and always felt it is the biggest threat to humanity right now -- eroding our capacity for love, morality, honesty and social/spiritual/scientific progress, but among people my own age I've felt like an alien having these opinions, like I've got to keep them secret so I'm not treated like an outcast. However now, I'm far more grounded and secure than I've ever been in my life, immune to people's manipulation and shame tactics etc, grounded in my own indvidual way of life and healthily concerned about my survival and wellbeing as well as others, without any sort of self-destructive empathy, sense of responsibility or insecurity and guilt leaving me susceptible to people making me question myself. But, then, the feeling of validation and synergy from something like this, when you hear the things you authentically feel and think in your core come out of someones mouth in such a profound, deeply understood and honestly conveyed way -- it's a good feeling. Definitely a boost. It's always seemed to be a case of damned if you do damned if you don't, but every duration in my life where I've used social media has ended badly, and then as soon as I make the commitment to get rid of it entirely, I notice the same undoubtable benefits. Better energy, better intuition, better emotional balance, sharper awareness and focus, my life moves forward, I start to connect more and do more and love more, and that's even just from not constantly being overloaded let alone shedding all the baggage and unease from constantly being triggered from the past. One of the most unnatural things social media does is prolong the past -- making things and people from years ago always there in your foreground. It keeps people stuck, unconscious, weighed down, sad, and they don't even see why. The emptiness and narcissism being cultivated in people is seriously sad and dangerous and I think it will only go from bad to worse. I'm just happy I've made my decisions and even if I've had many a crisis of doubting myself here and there, I've always eventually returned to the same path of being honest, balanced and authentic and naturally ended up choosing a sense of integrity and alignment with my values and excluding the toxic influences other people allow to control them, even if it means losing a lot of people. It's not an easy process, our instinct is to flock together, but that's why people are so agonised -- because there is no togetherness in this conformity, which is the main motive behind conformity, to avoid that alone-in-the-wild feeling. But it's why they'd rather stay stuck in something hurting them rather than risking the apparent threat of standing alone. It doesn't make me superior, but I know in the long run I'll be a more whole person with a lot to give to the world and a lot to experience and truly love and appreciate. If anything I just wish people could feel that freedom with me, but I'm quite alright having it all to myself until I meet others out there who are also finding the courage to stand alone and wilfully and consiously reject this unprecedented and extremely damaging social engineering, choosing the solitude of being more alone yet fulfilled over the isolation of being 'connected' to loads of people but constantly feeling like you have to exploit every last aspect of your life and privacy to stay relevant to them. It has broken a society that wasn't too healthy before the advent of social media anyway, eroded friendships, relationships and authenticity, interferred with so much and caused so much pain, loss, madness and stress in peoples lives. It's a spiritual apocalypse I think, which sounds dramatic but accurate to me. I just hope people listen to this and act on it. Thank you!
  • 4 years ago I would read a book for hours, now I barley can read a book for 40 minutes and I get bored! I haven't used my facebook account for almost 1 year now, I think it is time for me to delete my instagram account now.
  • @WendyMisener
    I left my device at home. Panic! I know precisely where I left it. I know it will still be there when I return. Yet, here I am feeling off kilter and vulnerable. These are not positive feelings. What an eye opener into my own conditioning!
  • @sbeast64
    Just the other day I mentioned that "there's such a thing as too many selfies", and loads of people got triggered and angry with me, and someone even de-friended because of it. So many people are becoming narcissistic and fragile, and social media appears to be making it worse.
  • @confettistar
    The social media phenomenon reminds me of a pet budgie I once had. He thought his reflection in the mirror was another bird. A bird which he had fallen head over heels in love with. He used to coo to it and provide gifts of food to that mirror. Whenever I removed the mirror to be cleaned, initially he became aggressive and later anxious. If I kept the mirror out of the cage for too long, he got depressed. Just like the reflection of the budgie, social media is an illusion. The relationships aren't real but the emotions are.
  • Very very interesting. I don't use Facebook or Twitter, never have, and I feel even more validated in my decision now
  • @mario-rj7ti
    This Sam guy is the Encyclopedia of Narcissism. Nobody else even comes close to his knowledge and its 100% accurate.