Learn How God's Goodness Can Restore You with Rick Warren

saddleback.com/goodness — To live an effective life, you have to keep a healthy state of mind. In fact, the Bible says the condition of your mind determines your thoughts, feelings, and decisions. But what about those times when you’ve been hurt by someone? How do you get back to a healthy state of mind? In this message at Saddleback Church, Pastor Rick Warren shares how God’s goodness restores you when you’re in pain. You’ll discover the 3 kinds of pain we hold onto, how God uses them for good, and how to live with a healthier mindset.

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(Psalm 23) (Restore) (Restoration) (Restoring faith) (Restoring my life) (How to restore my life) (Restoration in God's goodness) (God is good) (Living in the Goodness of God) (Living in God's goodness) (The good life) (Unaddressed grudges) (Unconfessed guilt) (Unprocessed grief) (Hurts into holiness) (Grief) (Healing) (Good Shepherd) (God forgives) (Healing for your soul) (Jesus restores you life) (Guilt-free life) (Finding forgiveness) (Dealing with grief)

コメント (21)
  • I now spend the first hour of each day with these sermons. They have enriched my life. Thank you
  • Thanks for sharing this uplifting sermon. God bless you, Pastor Rick Warren!!!
  • God bless pastor Rick Warren. It’s been two years since this sermon was posted, and it’s still making an impact. Praise the lord for speaking to us through pastor Warren!
  • Hello friends. I'm so grateful to God for pastor Rick Warren. I listen to his sermons pretty much every single day. 7 days a week. We experience pain and sorrow at times. The things people do. That we can't control. But we can glory to God. Respond the right way through following Jesus Christ. According to the gospel. That's why I love to listen to pastor Rick Warren.
  • i have been a critic for many times. I would thank God for this message. May God use you more.
  • Pastor Rick, I really felt like this sermon was meant for me. It answers so many questions for me about who Jesus is and why he sacrificed himself for us. This sermon has helped me gain more understanding. I also feel like this life is a test to prove ourselves Worthy to meet Gods expectations to join his perfect Eternal family to dwell together in heaven for eternity ❤️ if I want to be a part of that Eternal family, I must overcome the struggle of being able to turn over to God my need for control. I've always had control issues in certain areas of my life . Even as a little kid it was always hard for me to forgive and forget. If I felt like I had been done wrong then it was very hard for me just to let it go. With age it is much easier for me to forgive my trespasser even as a Christian it's difficult to forget things that have happened even though I feel like I have forgiven but sometimes have not completely let go of judgment against those who have hurt & sinned against me. I do realize that vengeance is the Lord's. At certain times and with certain people 💔 It's definitely easier to forgive than to forget. Sadly In the Heat of the Moment while I am so angry 😢 I am a person that would drink poison if I thought that it would hurt someone who had treated me badly and unjustly. I do ask for the Lord's forgiveness This is one of the biggest struggles that I must overcome. I'm praying that identifying my problem and asking for forgiveness will help me overcome this sin. At one time,. I could never understand how Job accepted with love, grace,& understanding all of the horrible things that happened to him. Job accepted his fate, never blaming anyone and never waned in his Love & Faith for God. ❤ I'm going to share this video cuz I know so many people that I feel will also appreciate this sermon ❤️ God bless you, I hope many other people get a deep understanding. & a big blessing from this sermon 👍😊 ❤️
  • Thank you Pastor Rick..you and your wife are such a beautiful blessing....God bless
  • "Christianity is summed up in one word DONE" Preach Pastor Rick
  • @JWCFB
    Fantastic teacher! Love Rick.
  • @DD-jb3ry
    This is everything I've been dealing with Thank you. Bless you
  • Best Gospel message I've ever heard. Helping me in my crisis now and will share as much as I can.
  • wow , what a great message for me from God, thank you Pastor Rick
  • @playsball
    Boy oh boy did I need to hear this sermon!! Thank you Pastor Rick!!
  • @rtphilwen
    Thank you so much Ptr. Rick. May God's grace and power be upon you and your ministry always. You're such a blessing ^^ (sis Wen here fr Manila)
  • When you want to listen to all Pastor Rick's sermon but they're an hour long. I'll still do it anyways :)
  • Wow! what a message from God! I needed this!! Thank you pastor Rick for allowing God to use you for His honor and glory.