SELENA GOMEZ ON: How To STOP Insecurity & TRULY LOVE YOURSELF To The Core | Jay Shetty

Today, I am talking to a good friend and celebrity, Selena Gomez.

Selena bravely tells her story about her long battle with mental health and how this led to her life mission to help spread mental health awareness around the world and provide mental health services for the less privileged. I get to deeply understand her inner thoughts on topics such as dealing with pressure of being a celebrity and the gossip that comes with it, finding self healing, embracing change, being one with your inner self, and living day by day being content, kind, and full of love to share.

Life isn’t a simple journey, but despite the complications, challenges, and struggles, we can always find it in our hearts to tap into our inner good and be compassionate, especially to ourselves.

What We Discuss:
00:00:00 Intro
00: First meeting
00: Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me documentary
00: Sharing our darkest secrets with others
00: Befriending your own inner critic
00: Learning to be more compassionate towards yourself and others
00: Taking control of your own story
00:21:01 Choosing to combat negativity with love and kindness
00:26:04 Getting asked frustrating questions
00:27:57 No one is perfect, even celebrities
00:32:27 How do you deal with imperfections?
00:37:38 Areas in your life that made you who you are
00:40:01 Embracing change
00:44:54 Mental health awareness
00:47:23 You have to be aware of people
00:53:51 How do you deal with fears?
00:56:58 What is your intention?
00: Sometimes parents project perfection around their children
00: Pain, suffering, growth
00: Wondermind - mental fitness
00: You’ll figure it out, keep going
00: Missteps parents may have taken
00: Were you always open to therapy?
00: Producing the series 13 Reasons Why
00: Selena and Mandy on Final Five

コメント (21)
  • Really felt it when she said "I would rather continue to get my heart broken than to not feel at all."
  • Don’t let compliments get to your head and criticisms get to your heart. ❤️
  • As an extrovert and a content creator, this is hard to say... but spending time alone is VITAL to embracing our insecurities. And no, I don't mean "alone scrolling on social media or "alone watching Netflix"... I mean alone having a warm bath, or hiking in nature. Spend more time alone, watch your insecurities heal :)
  • You can tell this woman is genuinely kind. She wears her heart on her sleeve, but has definitely trained her mind to do better ❤
  • "Serve to heal, give to let go." That's beautiful.
  • @Kryceci00
    She is a multitalented, amazing, kind and loving woman. Every time she opens her heart I feel how much she wants to make a change in this world.
  • I so admire when celebrities use their platform to inspire and educate us. She is one of the few celebrities I follow because of how genuine and humble she is. Stay strong Selena! Recuerda que las cosas que nos destruyen son las mismas cosas que nos hacen fuerte! 💜
  • This podcast brought tears to my eyes when Selena’s mom said, “it’s okay to be vulnerable. People aren’t going to judge. They will ask if you are okay.”
  • This was so refreshing to see Selena being interviewed with her mom, it took the celebrity aspect out and just see people interacting and giving their experiences. It was inspiring to listen to them, thank you
  • @tm7866
    What she has is truly a gift. When you feel everything, you feel like it is a curse, but it is actually a gift, when you don't let the world harden your heart ❤️
  • @lymitm3244
    I'm a person who barely follows celebrities, but since that I've seen Selena's story she became such an inspiration for me. Not for being perfect, but for being real and for being strong. My whole life I've had to deal with insecurities, fear of being judged and the attempt of trying to be perfect. The result was a sad person who barely had motivations in life. I used to spend the whole day on the internet or playing games because it was kinda my escape from reality. I was always wondering what i was doing here, because i couldn't find any purpose or meaning in my life. I was a lonely person, who literally had no friends at school, and my family always complaining about it telling me to change but no one really helped me but made me feel more insecure about social interactions!! As a teenager i only made 1 single friend, and we still talk until nowadays btw. I had no dreams for my future, and ya a lot of other stuff that would make a really long text if i did write everything here... I'm currently 21, thankfully not at school anymore, and my life changed like 1 year ago... I've always felt i didn't fit on what people wanted me to be or to do, and it was what hurted the most, because i was unhappy doing what people thought that was the right thing to do. The most scary moments for me was breaking everything that people said that was the best.. and start from the whole 0 even not knowing exactly where to go, but i stopped caring about what people thought about my choices... and decided to make my own choices for my own risk, if i did the right thing great, but if i didn't ok it was my choice!! I was just tired of living based on fear of things not working without even trying. I started taking more care of myself to work on my self confidence, wearing outfits i really like and focusing on the best parts of myself... physically and mentally. I dropped my previous college to study computer science that was really my choice even tho i was not sure if it was the right thing to do, probably a lot of people judged and didn't understand this change. But incredibly it was the best thing I've ever done, the happiness i feel now is something so big and genuine, like i really found myself on what I'm doing now. On this college i found people that i really like and that i care about, including my current bf that is like the most amazing and supportive people I've ever met. For making my own choices without caring about ppl opinions and keep going even when i was scared, I've got so many blessings. I have an amazing job now aswell and it's like I've found my motivation to live, the past few years that i had no hope and had a lot of fears, and little by little it became a memory... and it's like I'm living now everything that i didn't live in my whole teenager days. I still not perfect, i have a lot to learn but just by living feeling like you're doing the right thing already feels different...
  • @user-dx4sc3vg9y
    Productivity never happens by chance; it is always the result of careful preparation, dedication, and consistency. I thank God for my advisor, Mr Yuval Eric Brokman; with his assistance, I am now financially solid, earning between $10,000 and $25,000 every week.
  • My grand mom died 6 hrs ago and i found myself here watching this podcast. I also suffer from bipolar mood disorder, anxiety and my depression triggered off from my lost but somehow the strength selena show us and her determination to survive is giving me strength to face my demons. Thank you for being here for us selena.
  • Selena is such a strong brave person. I can relate to her lots. She is a great role model for everyone! I love her green shoes 👠 and style
  • I struggled (and I have been struggling with) anxiety and depression, and Selena just said the truth in all the words. Everyone has a different history, but having a mental disease is something kind of difficult to explain to others. All my love ❤ from Mexico.
  • I love her mom! Very relatable , down to earth , still has that inner child but you can tell she has wisdom and a good heart! And passed that down to her daughter!