Human Religious Behaviour, Spirituality Intrinsic Part of Us

Published 2008-03-14
This avi.trim is from the movie Baraka (1992) - religious behavior is the most intrinsic part of human nature, it is something that people firstly started to do hundreds of thousand years ago and it is something that still rules the world of our spiritual lives. Religion is the product of this intangible universe that exists in the human mind and inspires religions, philosophies and great ideas that create our world!
Religion is not a question about proof, it is about levels of understanding. Of understanding our own nature and soul.

All Comments (16)
  • @mindvolution
    Soul = Mind. Our minds have evolved and thus the consciousness has evolved along. All animals have "souls", but theirs are not developed to the stage of self-awareness. Self-awareness is what puts humans aside from all other animals, not just our intelligence!
  • @Reido2828
    Do you have any evidence of this matter or is still a philosophy of soul theory? I think its a good one. Mine was quite similiar actually. Where does the soul lie with Transhumanism do you think? Can humans be Immortal? If so then why do we need the soul?
  • @Reido2828
    Hm are you suggesting that the mind and brain are seperate? Most science says the mind is the work of the brain. Now I believe in the soul but I am curious to know your theory of this subject. I enjoyed this video and I think that it shows religion is a work of evolution and is not a super stition but something were searching for. A meaning. What is your experience of the soul and of god? How can one believe in the two when science can trace life back to small bacteria billions of years ago?
  • @mindvolution
    Religion IS a *spiritual fruit* of the human soul. As the contemporary civilization is an intelectual fruit, and all the human knowledge we have has come not from anywhere else, but the human mind. This little known to us mind, that contains what we are - self-aware intelligent beings. Homo Sapiens, this most amazing creature that is able to comprehend the deepest levels of the Universe!
  • @mindvolution
    Religious behavior is the most intrinsic part of human nature, it is something that people firstly started to do hundreds of thousand years ago and it is something that still rules the world of our spiritual lives. Religion is the product of this intangible universe that exists in the human mind and inspires religions, philosophies and great ideas that create our world! Religion is not a question about proof, it is about levels of understanding. Of understanding our own nature and soul.
  • @Am0nknight1234
    Religion can be a good thing, when a loved one dies you want to be comforted that you're going to meet him/her again when you die. When your life sucks, it's comforting to have the thought that there are gods for you that are making you a nice little place when you're dead. Yet religion has already proven itself a terrible thing. Countless dead all due to some god people used to worship, or for example christianity killing and assimilating with every myth around them creating a warmachine.
  • @Reido2828
    True but recent science has shown us that myths can be passed o n from generations to generations as a false group of utility beliefs. This could be something so powerful that it only exists in the mind but not in reality. Where is the evidence? You can't hold onto hundreds of thousands of years of tradition as evidence. Where is the theory behind everything? Where is god? And the soul? How can we have a soul if we had evolved from a specie not quite different from us now?
  • @mindvolution
    I see you have misconceived views on all topics regarding the psychological depths of the human mind. firstly, what do you think the soul is? It is yourself, as a whole being. This "I" of yours that represents your every-day awareness is just but a speck of the vastness of your psychological whole. Your psyche, this is your soul. See the link to Next Generation blog in my channel profile to read more on this topic and think.
  • @Reido2828
    I am curious to know tho that the references are the same as the 10% brain myth. I truly am skeptical and doubt so I can prove it my self that it is true. Science cannot seek the soul be cause it does not exist in this world. I am curious to know your experiences and others you have read on the subject of eternity and a divine power.
  • @mindvolution
    See the movie from 04:10 onwards - this is also GOD
  • @Reido2828
    This is also god? I am confused. Answer my question about why there is indeed r oom for a soul if we have evolved? You have to admit religion has written some terrible things that people have followed. If there is a soul then why can't science discover it? How does one know so much about it with out any eviden ce?
  • @mindvolution
    I think you, as many other people like you, have a wrong concept of religion and general lack of understanding the very nature of religion, religion as an intrinsic part of human mind, expressing the ununderstood symbolism of the psyche. This intangible and invisible for your daily awareness unconsciousness that contains your deepest self. You see, religion is not just some stories and proverbs with doubtful historical relevance, it is not even consistent to speak about "religious evidence"