Decoding the Brain

Published 2022-04-14
#BrianGreene #Neuroscience #Brain
How does the brain retrieve memories, articulate words, and focus attention? Recent advances have provided a newfound ability to decipher, sharpen, and adjust electrical signals relevant to speech, attention, memory and emotion. Join Brian Greene and leading neuroscientists György Buzsáki, Edward Chang, Michael Halassa, Michael Kahana and Helen Mayberg for a thrilling exploration of how we're learning to read and manipulate the mind.

The Kavli Prize recognizes scientists for their seminal advances in astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience - topics covered in the series “The Big, the Small, and the Complex.” This series is sponsored by The Kavli Foundation and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Michael Halassa
Edward Chang
Michael Kahana
Helen S. Mayberg
György Buzsáki

Brian Greene

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#brainscience #brainpower

All Comments (21)
  • @aprylvanryn5898
    Thank you for having these talks on a public forum for no cost. It means so much to so many of us who would not otherwise be exposed to such rich ideas and concepts.
  • @ABC-48483
    The brain is the only organ to name itself
  • From one collection of neural circuits to another—thanks for sparking synapses and enhancing my brain's playlist on memory, speech, depression, and consciousness. Best cerebral recommendation on YouTube!
  • @MrClueTea
    Man, we're so blessed to have these types of things freely available.
  • @jmynsberge
    Brian Greene is so great at facilitating these talks and helping to get the point across for laymen. These are fascinating topics and it's amazing to realize we are at the very beginning of our understanding of how this all works.
  • @willmpet
    I truly appreciate the work done by Brian Greene to broaden his own view of the world and the willingness of these experts to put their opinions on the line.
  • @reng7777
    Thanks for this video! It is facinating to see all these highly qualified professionals to share their thougths and studies about our brain!!
  • I thank Mr.Brian Green for organizing such seminars in Science from which students and teachers of Science can get a lot of valuable information and knowledge.
  • @zhiyucui8343
    Absolutely the best most fascinating discussion panel I have seen, partly because of the subject itself and mostly thanks to all participants’ contribution of their great and inputs of deep thinking! It has made me speechless.
  • @100vg
    I recently found this channel, kind of by accident, and I have to say that the videos I've watched in the topics that interest me have been FANTASTIC. Amazing work coordinated and skillfully organized and orchestrated by Mr. Brian Greene and his awesome and incredible panelists, who are so wonderful about sharing and discussing the topics, not only educate us but also entertain by holding our interest throughout. Fantastic and Amazing are not good enough to fully express my feelings nor adequate words of gratitude, but Thank you! Keep up the great work!
  • @Marvin-Tucker
    Brian is such a great speaker. His tone, emphasis, and intelligence makes him so soothing to listen to!
  • @vidada3847
    Amazing videos. I appreciate all the efforts you put on science. Science is my passion & I respect every single scientist who provides to our world & understanding it🙏🏻🌹
  • @RobinHerzig
    Thank you for hosting this + thanx to the brilliant attendees Special thanx to Dr Helen Mayberg who I've been a fan of for years 👏
  • @bedrobnf6861
    "the brain is the most complex structure in the entire universe". The brain.
  • @sonjagignac3914
    Thank you so very much. Too few have been blessed with higher education. The presentations are wonderfully accessible , even easy to understand, for all levels. This World Science Festival channel is a huge gift to humanity. We are each UniNotes comprising our melodic Universe.. Joy
  • @jayb5596
    Our brains are a quantum entangled neural network. The neuron is a complex standalone processor, a functional node in a neural network. Individually we only control a single neuron (node) which ties into our entire nervous system. We all exist inside of each other's neural network otherwise we couldn't share an experience. Atomic nuclei are binary switches with a twist. An atom consists of one or more of these simple binary switches fused together to produce the binary equivalent of a byte. The 0s and 1s in binary represent OFF or ON, respectively. In a transistor, a "0" represents no flow of electricity, and "1" represents electricity being allowed to flow. In this way, numbers are represented physically inside the computing device, permitting calculations. Atoms are built from quarks, two up quarks and one down quark produce a proton. Two down quarks and one up quark produce a neutron, they are interchangeable. A neutron is unstable outside of the nucleus of the atom and will decay into a proton. Protons are stable outside of the nucleus. Neutron "0" represents no flow of electricity. Proton "1" represents electricity being able to flow. The carbon atom for example represents 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons. That makes up the nucleus of the carbon atom, so it represents a 12 bit byte. Each proton and neutron represent a single binary digit. A single carbon atom representing 666, is a 12 bit byte. If you account for particle spin you realize that these 12 bit bytes of carbon can be arranged in various nuclei alignments, to represent any combination possible within that 12 bit byte. This is just a single carbon atom. 12 binary digits, or 3 nibbles (a 'tribble'), have 4096 (10000 octal, 1000 hexadecimal) distinct combinations. Hence, a microprocessor with 12-bit memory addresses can directly access 4096 words (4 Kw) of word-addressable memory. The average human cell contains roughly 100 trillion atoms and each atomic nucleus contains 1 or more simple switches. Each neuron of our brain is a sophisticated standalone processor connected to 85-90 billion other stand alone processors. Producing a very powerful processing architecture. If you can physically experience and perceive it.. consciously, you are connected to it neurologically. Our brain is a neural network of quantum entangled nodes (neurons). We only control our own individual node and the nervous system it represents. If the neurological network didn't exist, we wouldn't consciously be able to share an experience. There are only 7.9 billion other humans on earth, our neurological network consists of 85 to 90 billion neurons. For you to read what I have typed on this page right here. I must exist inside of your neurology as a node on your network, otherwise you couldn't make a neurological connection to experience what I have typed. You also have to exist as a node on my neurological network in order for me to broadcast this message to you on this binary representation of our consciously entangled manifestation. When you meet a node on the network, inside of the projected universe, your neurons connect internally through branched connections and this allows both neurons to exchange information subconsciously. If you get a good or bad vibe from someone, trust that the subconscious didn't like what it saw upon forging a neurological connection. Mine and your neurons exist inside of both of our brains but require us to interact inside the projected universe before these neurons will forge a branch connection to one another. We are all connected subconsciously, neurologically. When we meet in this projected universe, the neuron that represents me and the neuron that represents you in both of our brains will create branch connections to each other where it can project our individual but shared experience to us. We are all a projection of self. Self is not unique to the individual, the individual is unique to self. SELF is the operating system driving our individual consciousness. We are all just a duality of self.
  • @gw1284
    Thank you, Brian, for hosting this interesting discussions on brain research, you are a smart brain, look forward to your next show.
  • @user-ng2dr3pp5e
    I say the only way that we can honestly come together is not to hinder the capabilities of your mind being able to transform into something that it was called to transform into. Allow yourself to. Not always thinking that somebody has to have a opinion or give you advice in order for you to think, but to know that your mind is strong enough to move an operator, that's all. If you are willing to be a person that's to sit back and learn, you have to be able to learn something that you already don't know. You can't keep teaching the same thing over and over expecting someone to get brainwashed into your right to your wrongs because brain watching somebody it hurts that brain because it's not yours. It's all type of strategies to learn something to do, but if you don't use the proper strategies for the proper braid, then the brain care have a major setback because it's setting itself all over again. It can be shocked. It's a believing it's something that somebody else believe in. so your brain waves does goes off of your surroundings. If your surroundings is not based upon the atmosphere that you set yourself into or an atmosphere that you see yourself in, then it hinders your movement because you so worried to be so. It's like your old society. Absolutely no comments. Your old society don't respond, especially if they not give you no response to something that's positive of your life. Everybody want to be successful. Everybody want to do something in their life, don't nobody want their life at a standstill, especially nowadays. It's 2024 who wants to sit back and keep on loser jobs being laid off, losing money, losing houses, not the butt distractions because everybody is so about themselves. So when you start putting the bad days on all of those type of areas and bad days of your life and you start healing from those type of days, you start separate yourself and isolate your thoughts from what caused those accidents. What caused that tire be your in in your life? It's like a tire that never stopped rolling in your mind. You keep reminding yourself for the bad behaviors and the bad people because you isolate yourself. So will you remove yourself from those type of people? You did consider them bad because they kept you company. You ain't considerable good either but don't let them have a strong hold over your mind where that they held. Are you captive and they're not there? You can't hold them captive and they're not there cuz that could only block your own intuition to breathe and bring oxygen to the brain. You need oxygen to the brain. Everybody needs to breed when you breed something positive. That means that you were doing good. Your move it forward. If your brain can't breed what you wanted to breed then it's going to be out of standstill cuz it's like you thinking about the ideas but you don't see them.
  • @nativeindian
    Love these talks. Would love to see Robert Sapolsky in World Science Festival on such topics of the brain/mind.