Graduation Crowd Silent for Student with Autism

Published 2019-07-04
"An amazing thing took place at Carmel High School’s graduation. One of our students Jack Higgins was presented with his diploma. Jack graduated after 8 years. He is a wonderful member of our student community. Jack has autism and with that comes sensory issues. At graduation the student body and several thousand individuals were asked to not clap or cheer so Jack could participate. What followed was nothing short of a miracle. We shot for the moon but instead reached the stars." - Principal Lou Riolo

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All Comments (21)
  • @Jah_LEASE_yah
    He covered his ears like he was expecting them to clap. But they respected his needs and stayed silent, but they still honored him by standing for him. What a beautiful moment.
  • @PikasNotHere
    Just going to say, the people shaking their hands in the air is the sign language for clapping.
  • @mayadimmick4711
    can we please mention how great that the principal gave Jack a fist bump instead of a hand shake and that he also gave him a huge bag of sour patch kids it really shows how well he has gotten to know Jack over the years.
  • @XenonTetrafluoride
    I don’t know about anyone else, but when his classmates stood, like a silent standing ovation, I cried. That’s how you show respect for someone without needing to make noise. 🧡
  • @joshnolan1651
    I love how he goes straight for the sour patch kids and leaves his diploma. Mate, I think we are very alike 😂
  • @laterboi4528
    Principal: don't cheer or clap Student: doesn't cheer and clap Principal: THIS IS MIRACLE
  • @3BsART
    I loved that mom who clapped in ASL as he walked up. It shows respect to him and made me smile seeing people knowing ASL.
  • As an autistic adult, this has me sobbing like a baby. So much respect.
  • @millielach545
    I can imagine all the theatre kids in the back doing jazz hands like crazy
  • @saga2795
    My peers wouldn’t stay silent if you took away their vocal chords
  • As the mother of a special needs daughter who has other disabilities this has me in tears. His classmates are incredible young men and women who were clearly taught kindness and inclusion. I can only hope that when my 8 year old gets older that others can show her this kind of support and kindness.
  • @wolfmangoland7972
    This batch of Carmel Highschool is extremely mature and sensitive to the needs of others. They respected the needs of their fellow autistic student. My niece could not attend her high school graduation because it would have been too much for her to handle. Carmel High School administration and staff should be commended for being compassionate and understanding.
  • @levelheaded0038
    This generation of kids is so freaking amazing. They have respect for anyone and everyone in a way most people can't even recognize yet
  • @spelldaddy5386
    I never thought I would appreciate a silent YouTube video like this so much, but this just melted my heart
  • @kyragrayc
    Principal in 2020: Ok everyone go on mute.
  • People came here from Snapchat I came here because of YouTube recommended this.
  • @claires1177
    The principal of this school is an outstanding leader and educator. What a magnificent act of kindness and support to the graduate and his family. The unity of his graduating class is priceless. These individuals make me have hope in a brighter future. Congrats to everyone.
  • @Cornstarchrr
    it reminds me of my little town. i have autism, and every parade, they'd stop blowing their sirens when they passed me. when im walking to the store and someone starts their car, i hear that engine, i cover my ears. but, the guy turns off his car to wait for me to pass. my graduation ceremony, the principle asked me if i wanted to not come to the ceremony and instead recieve my diploma in the mail. but, i said no. people who brought the town fair bought me noise canceling headphones, and kept them in one of the booths for me. i honestly couldnt ask for any better town.. when im in college, i wont be moving away, i just love it here