Unlock Your Motivational Brain To Uplevel Your Productivity | Jim Kwik

In this Mindvalley Talks, globally celebrated brain expert Jim Kwik answers our BIG question 🧠 How can we use our own brain power to create non-stop motivation in our lives? 💪 If you like this video, you’ll love Jim’s FREE Superbrain Masterclass 👉 go.mindvalley.com/hWAzfM-6

If you’ve ever struggled with motivation and developing your growth mindset to keep up with your work life, you’re not alone. But once you tap into your own power to motivate yourself, your brain becomes your best friend. Whatsmore, the benefits will spill over into your personal life.

So, what’s the Magic Formula for Motivation? 💪

💡 Finding Your ‘Why’
💡 Upleveling Energy with ‘Brain Food and Stress Management’
💡 Making Small Steps to Success
💡 Method

We hope you enjoyed this Mindvalley talk, and we’ll see you in Jim’s Superbrain Masterclass to discover 10 Powerful Hacks to unlock your true potential 🤗

#Subscribe #Brainpower #JimKwik

コメント (21)
  • Share some love with Jim Kwik and the community with a brain/heart emoji below! 🧠💗 If you’re intrigued by more motivation and memory hacks to uplevel your brain power, here’s the link to Jim’s free Superbrain Masterclass 👉go.mindvalley.com/NZ4tabjm
  • I'm absolutely all alone. No family... no friends. Saying this , I'm sure , leads you to judge me. You probably think I'm a bad person. The fact is I was raised surrounded by abuse. I was conditioned to accept whatever came. I was conditioned not to speak up ... not to fight back. This set me up to attract only unhealthy people into my life and the viscous cycle continued through school , throughout my attempts at employment. Ok, so now I'm 52. I'm finally learning the how's and why's of where I am today. I'm on disability. I'm out of shape. I've got CPTSD, Pathological insomnia and severe depression. I've cut off all ties with everyone from my past and I'm now completely alone. I'm taking the suggestions from this and I'm going to work on ME ! I'm not giving up and maybe someday I can help someone else.
  • I found my motivation and my purpose in my early 40s.Before that, I hadn't believed in myself... Now, i have become a better thinking person, I am studying and I'm pregnant after a 5 year efforts. I'm sorry for my English writing.. One of my purpose in life is to be better English learner. ❤️
  • @drlepora1
    "We all need people in our life that encourage and challenge us"
  • When Jim stands in front of the mind valley symbol he looks like an angel! Yes or yes?
  • The story about him and the Xmen is so heart warming. "This is your class" ❤️
  • Awww, i got teary eyed with the super heroes story with the ex men casts. Dreams do really come true in God's perfect time. God bless you more Sir Jim.
  • Just watched this whole thing at the library and I want to cry inside I am highly motivated from this video today 😢❤❤❤ Thank you Jim kwik
  • This was fantastic. Mind opening. I realized my biggest issue is mindset. And I don’t know the methodology to change what I believe about myself. I’m struggling big time. I’m a fighter, I’m self aware and motivated. I want to thrive not just survive. I’m just stuck and need to find your talks on mindset. I absolutely loved your X-Men story. I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your super power.
  • Many people have given to me, now at 81, although as a former educator that has always been so, my greatest gift in life is giving to others..Thanks for your wonderful delivery and motivation. Keep on keeping on!
  • Thank you so much for this presentation. I am an introvert and have to replenish from within. Thank you for helping me.
  • Jim is one of the best things on Earth for your mind development ever..
  • Thank you so much Jim for sharing all this information. And i loved your photo idea ❤️
  • thank you and immense gratitude to MIndvalley and Jim and Youtube and Internet, allowing me discover my Mentor Jim. I will give back everything I learned to others and adapt it to them to ease the process, mostly those who surrounds me physically. this will be my own little contribution. What if I can helps my peers and African French community to learn this and unlimit themselves. because they will trust more someone who speaks and shares their culture, since we used to be consider as less than any other culture in the world.
  • Jim is always so wonderful, is it me or he is just speaking much slower than he normally does .😊 . All the same he is incredible
  • You are amazing. I was intrigued by the title of one of your videos so i let it play while i was “sleeping” and I’m so motivated to take action and make improvements in myself. THANK YOU! 🙏🏻
  • I, just like this man. I which I had a teach like him in school. I learn so much from him. Thank you Mr.jim
  • Jim! You are truly a gift. I listen to your station everyday morning before my busy day start. It’s inspiring!!! Xoxo Ellie